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I got a little bored with the sleepover thing and ran out of ideas so I am starting something else..... hopefully I'll be able to finish the sleepover later...?! Anyways this is like a beach trip

Qibli groggily woke up and looked outside. It was still dark, and he wondered why his alarm had rung so early. His stomach clutched with excitement when he realised that today, he was going on a trip to the beach with all his friends! They had been given an unexpected holiday due to a disease that was passing around a few schools, but as far as he knew, they were safe, as the reports were only coming from the outskirts. Kinkajou had come up with the idea and moon had helped convince everyone. It was going to be the best day ever!

Qibli's beach bag, ready from the day before, was in his hand, as he crept down the stairs, making sure not to wake up anyone. He was wearing cargo shorts and a loose yellow T-shirt. It was going to be a long, hot day, and Qibli wanted to make sure that he would be comfortable.  Qibli grabbed a sandwich and exited the house. Moon was waiting in the car for him. Her mom was driving Qibli and Moon down to the beach, and they were going to meet the rest over there.

Greeting Moon he half hopped, half toppled into the car, and huffed as he put down his heavy bag. "What have you got in that?", Asked moon amused. "Oh nothing much", said Qibli embarrassed. His cheeks turned bright red. "Only everything you need to make it the best day ever!", said moon, realizing she had upset Qibli. Luckily, he cheered up instantly, explaining all his plans to Moon.

After a couple of hours, they finally reached. Eagerly, Qibli jumped out of the car, ready to stretch his legs after the long ride. Moon soon followed, Huffing as she hauled Qibli's bag out of the car. Seeing this, Qibli quickly ran up. "I'm so sorry! I totally forgot about that bag", apologized Qibli earnestly. 

As Qibli got walked down, he spotted his friends, and with a yell, ran towards them, moon following close behind. Winter, Turtle and Kinkajou were already there in deep conversation, not noticing qibli. Taking advantage of this he slowly crept behind winter. Sneaking up on Winter, he yelled "HELLO LOVE'. Startled, Winter screamed, and then realizing, his face went dark. He was clearly angry. "What were you thinking", he sad angrily. With a grin, Qibli just shrugged. Winter was distracted as Moon came running up. "You left me there Qibli". she said laughing. "I couldnt miss  the opportunity to greet this sweet"!, said Qibli smiling evilly.

I hoped u enjoyed this! Sorry i havnt posted foreverrr!! But now i hav my summer holiday so i can more often

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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