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I know that everyone is the same age. I decided that I will make all the characters children.... So they r all the same age but Clearsight and Darkstalker r like a class above.

Also thanks to  @Rosewhisper12 Forthe idea to do Clearsight and Darkstalker :)

Clearsight checked the time. It was seven o clock. "Ohhh nooooo, thought Clearsight worried. What if I am late. Am I going to have enough time to change, eat breakfast and meet Darkstalker?" She quickly jumped out of bed. She had been told that she had anxiety, but she didn't care. There was so much to worry about in this world, Clearsight thought that everyone should have anxiety!

Clearsight tried to get changed as fast as she could, but she was really not sure what to wear. Finally she picked out a purple t-shirt with denim shorts and a black and pink hoodie. She then headed down for breakfast.

Clearsight left her house and sure enough Darkstalker was waiting for her outside. A smile lit up on her face and she felt better, like there was less weight on her shoulders. Darkstalker was 'smartly' dressed in a black suit with bright red shoes and a bright red tie. They greeted each other, before holding hands and starting to walk the short way to school.

Grrrrrrrrr (that's supposed to be a stomach grumble. Idk how it sounds..?) Darkstalkers stomach grumbled. "Uhhhhh.... I'm soooo hungry! I didn't eat breakfast", whined Darkstalker. Suddenly Darkstalker saw turtle, a shy boy a few grades below. Clearsight started to Panick. She was sure that Darkstalker was going to bully him. "Hey you", Darkstalker called out to turtle. Turtle turned, and fear spread across his face. "I'm starving, said Darkstalker haughtily. "Give me your snack." Turtle fumbled in his bag and nervously got out his snack. Darkstalker grabbed it before walking on. "I'm - I'm Soo sorry", stuttered Clearsight to turtle, before running off to join Darkstalker. "Darkstalker, how could you do that. Did you see how terrified he was! You have to stop being such a bully!", Clearsight scolded Darkstalker. "Oh my god, chill out. You have to stop worrying so much, said Darkstalker annoyed. It is a good thing I took that snack. I was starving!" Clearsight shook her head in disgust before running off to meet her best friend Fathom. She was getting tired of Darkstalker's bad ways.

I will continue this later but in Fathom's  POV!! Also Darkstalker is one of my fav characters... but I still think dat he acts like this?!

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