Chapter 3

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I wake up and look out of the window from my bed. The rain patters against it and the sky is grey. I sigh and stand up. I take my phone to look at the time and I realise I have two new messages.

One from Harry: "Hey Lou, what are you doing today?"

I smile and think about the kiss yesterday. What are we now? Are we a couple?

"Hey Hazza, nothing and you?" I write back.

Hazza... I like this nickname.

And one from Niall: "Louis, I'm at Zayn's. See you later."

"Ok, Nialler. Have fun!" I write back.

Then I put my phone down on my bed and go into the kitchen to make me breakfast. I eat my toast and watch the raindrops fall at the ground outside the window. My phone rings and I answer it:

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Lou." Harry says.

"Hey Hazza, how are you?" I ask.

"Good and you? Since when do you call me Hazza?" he asks.

"Good. I don't know. I just thought about it today and liked it." I say.

"I like it too." Harry says.

I smile and bite my bottom lip.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Would you like to go to the park with me today? Harry asks.

"Harry, it's raining outside." I say

"Then we use an umbrella." he says chuckling.

"Ok." I say. "I think we have to talk about something." I say.

"Ok. I'll pick you up in half an hour." Harry says and hangs up.

I put my phone on the table and get dressed. Some black jeans, a white t shirt and a grey blazer. I sit down on the couch and watch TV until the door rings. I stand up, take a quick look at me in the mirror next to the door and then open it. Harry stands there and smiles, showing his long teeth.

"Hey." I say and hug Harry.

"Hey." he says. "You look good!"

"Thank you." I say blushing.

He kisses my cheek and takes my hand. Then we go to the park, still holding hands, opening the umbrella.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Harry asks and looks in my eyes.

He takes my hand in his and there's this little smile at the side of his mouth.

"Well, you know what happened yesterday." I begin.

"You mean the kiss?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. Well, I wanted to know ...what we are now?" I ask.

Harry places a smirk on his face and puts his arm around my waist. He moves closer until his mouth is next to my ear. Then he whispers "Everything you want." and pulls slowly away. I look straight into his eyes and smile lightly.

"I know what I want us to be." I say and put my hand on his cheek.

I lean in and our lips touch. I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer so there's no space left between us. Harry forgets to hold the umbrella and let's it fall on the ground, wrapping both of his arms around my waist. A few seconds later I pull away and smile at Harry. He smiles back and rubs his nose aginst mine. That was my kiss in the rain!

When I saw him the first time I never thought we would be together one day or that he could be so cute. I just saw this irresistible man who seemed scary and dangerous. I'm so glad that he is so nice, though bordering mysterious.

"Lou?" Harry asks, waving one hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I ask, blinking a few times, then looking into his eyes.

"Everything ok?" he asks and I nod smiling.

"Everything's fine." I say and Harry smiles too. Then he takes my hand, interwining our fingers and takes the umbrella.

"Niall? Are you at home?" I ask shouting.

There's no anwser so I think it's a no. The lights are off, so Niall is not at home or he's sleeping. I signal Harry to come in and he quickly scurries into the house. We take off our shoes and clothes and I go to Niall's room. I slowly open the door and look into the room. I see something in his bed and sneak to it. I start smiling when I see Niall and Zayn cuddling in sleep. I turn around and sneak out of the room, closing the door quietly behind me. I switch on the lights in the living room and sit down next to Harry on the couch.

 "Is he here?" Harry asks and I nod.

"He's with Zayn and they're cuddling in his bed. They're sleeping, so we should be quiet." I say. "Do you want something to drink or eat? I'll get me something."

"No thanks." Harry says and I go into the kitchen. I take a bottle of water and go back in the living room, slamming the door shut. I freeze and Harry looks at me smirking.

"Is that quiet for you?" he asks, laughing quietly.

"Ha ha." I say and sit down next to him. I take a sip of my bottle and put it on the table then. Harry watches me all the time and I just look into his eyes for a while. I can't read his mind at all, but I never can. He's really good at not showing his emotions - not like me. I mean, he's never blushing or sweating or something.

"What do you want to do now?" Harry asks after a while of staring at each other.

"I don't know." I sigh and Harry places a smile at the side of his mouth.

"Well, we don't know that much about each other. Maybe we should get to know each other better." Harry suggests and I agree. I really want to get to know him better.

"Ok, I begin." I say. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Hm, I'd say red." He says.

"Mine too." I say smiling.

"And your favourite song?" he wants to know.

"That's hard. I think it's Look after you by The Fray. And yours?" I say.

"I don't know. Maybe Little Bird by Ed Sheeran." he says. "What's your...Oh hey Zayn."

I turn around and see Zayn coming out of the kitchen.

"Um, hi." he says.

"Is Niall still sleeping?" I ask.

"Um, no. Harry can I talk with you for a second?" Zayn asks looking straight into Harry's eyes. Why are they always doing that? That'll be my next qustion!

"Sure." Harry says and they go into another room, leaving me alone.

I turn on the TV and wait for Harry to come back. A few minutes later they come out of the room and Zayn goes back into Niall's room. Harry comes to me and sits down, putting his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Any questions left?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. I have one. I don't understand why you and Zayn are always looking so deeply into each other's eyes." I say, looking into Harry's glowing eyes.

"Are we? I didn't realise." Harry says a bit too quick.

"Hm, ok." I say, still thinking about it. Something's wrong here.


 I hope you liked it and that you will keep reading this story!

Please tell me what I could do better or what you liked, because only then I can get better. 


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