Chapter 12

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 Hey guys! This is the new chapter and I hope you like it. It's not the longest, I know, but I'm planning a double update today so keep an eye out for the next chapter later :)

"No Niall! We won't go hunting again!" Zayn shouts as they come in.

"But I'm hungry!" Niall shouts and Harry and I start smirking.

We just invited the boys over. Danielle didn't want to come. I wonder why. No not really. I neary killed her so I can understand her. I wonder when Liam will turn her.

"I'm hungry too. Why don't we go hunting all together?" I ask.

"You two are too strong especially you Louis. Harry, Liam and me wouldn't get anything." Zayn says.

"I would control myself and I think Niall can too." I say.

"You're only two days old Louis. You act like you're already 2000 years old." Zayn says chuckling.

"But I could already control myself yesterday." I say.

"Well a bit." Liam throws in.

"That doesn't mean that it's everday like that." Zayn says.

"I'm hungry too. I will go with them." Harry says and I smile.

He changes his appearance and smiles, showing his fangs.

"Who comes with us?" I ask.

"Definitly me!" Niall shouts and jumps up.

"Yeah me too." Liam says and Zayn sighs.

"Ok let's go." he says and everyone smiles.

We leave the house and run outside. We jump on some trees and look around for victims.

"Liam there's an A." Zayn says pointing to a young man.

Liam smirks because A is his favourite blood type. It's not rare so he can drink it very often. I don't know what my favourite type is yet. I don't really know which blood tastes like what but I can tell that it tastes and smells differently. I take a deep breath and smell something amazing. Harry smiles when he sees my reaction and I raise an eyebrow.

"That's 0." he says. "My favourite." a smirk appearing on his face

"It smells amazing." I say, licking my lips.

"We can share. It's extremly rare." Harry says and I nod smiling.

We jump on another tree which is nearer to the woman.

"Who first?" Harry asks.

"You can control yourself better so you go first." I say and he nods.

He changes his appearance and jumps off the tree, standing behind the woman. She turns around and screams when she sees him.

"Oh my god. Why do you scare me so much?" she asks chuckling.

"I don't know. But I will scare you even more now." he says, changing back into a vampire.

"What..?" she asks shocked but Harry presses her against a tree.

"Don't worry." he says, letting his fingers slide over her cheek.

I know I shouldn't care when he does that because it's only hunting but I just don't like it. I remember how Zayn and Harry stared at each other to read their thoughts and I try with Harry. I concentrate as hard as possible and after a while I can suddenly hear him thinking.

Me - Harry?

He - Lou? You can already read thoughts and even talk?

Me - Seems so.

He - That's amazing.

Me - Hurry up! I'm hungry.

He - Ok *chuckling*

Suddenly Harry rams his fangs into her neck without a warning and she screams loudly. To see him like this is really hot. He pulls away, but keeps the woman pressed against the tree because she could still run away,

"Please let me go!" she cries and Harry chuckles.

"Sorry, but my boyfriend is hungry too." he says and I jump off the tree.

I quickly go over there and her smell drives me crazy.

"Please not." she cries and I smirk.

"Sorry." I say and then I ram my fangs into her neck.

She screams again and I start drinking her blood. It's the best I ever tasted. I thought the smell was amazing but the taste. God! It's killing me. Suddenly she falls down on her knees and I pull away because I can't get any blood anymore.

"Did I kill her?" I ask and Harry nods.

"Yeah, but that happens often." he says.

"It tasted so amazing." I say, licking my blood-stained lips.

"I know." he says chuckling.

We search another victim and share again so everyone has enough blood. Then we go back home and clean ourselves up. Liam is already sitting on the couch all cleaned and watchs tv.

"Hi mate. Where are Niall and Zayn?" Harry asks.

"They aren't back yet." he says and we sit down next to him and watch tv.

A few minutes later they enter the house and go into the bathroom to clean theirselves up. They come into the living room and sit down too. We all watch a movie together and then Liam has to go because he has a date with Danielle.

"I think we should go too." Zayn says and Niall nods in agreement.

We say good bye and then they leave. We cuddle up to each other on the couch and Harry draws something on my stomach with his finger.

Under The Moonlight [Larry - Vampire AU] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now