A (Somewhat) Warm Welcome

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"Sir, it is 7:30 AM. I strongly suggest you get up now."

Y/N groaned. "All right, all right, I'm up." He threw open the covers and leapt out of bed....before falling on his face. Groaning, he stumbled into Clothing Selection.

Ace greeted him with a, "Good morning, Y/N. What would you like to wear?"

"Hmm...let's go with a tapered black t-shirt, black jeans and black/white Nike Air Max 270's."

"Belt?" Y/N said yes, and, a couple minutes later, was fully dressed. He checked himself out in the mirror. Jeans and shoes, check. Shirt...showed off his athletic body. Not exactly muscular, but strong. He never really realized this but he looked hot. And that scared him.

Deathcaller didn't like being scared. "Well, that'll give the girls something to drool over. Not sure if I really want that."

"Sir, hormonal teenagers would love that. You are not a hormonal teenager." Y/N nodded. "Nope. I'm not. But it's okay. Prettiness aside, this is at least somewhat presentable." JARVIS agreed.

20 minutes later, a slip of paper appeared on Y/N's nightstand.

"That must be Professor Hadern." Y/N gingerly picked up the letter. He still wasn't comfortable picking up something he knew had been conjured by magic.


The assembly will begin at 9:00 AM. Around 20 minutes beforehand, Agent Wells will enter your dorm and lead you to the backstage area of the auditorium. I will meet you there. We will engage in last-minute questions before I introduce you to the academy.

See you there,

Professor Hadern

P.S. Your friends had many questions concerning your whereabouts. It seems to me that they are quite fond of you!

"Quite fond? Of me? Don't make me laugh." Y/N grumbled under his breath. "Sir, on no more than three occasions yesterday I saw Sophia Hangton blush when you looked at or acknowledged her."

"Don't change the subject." Y/N heard something like a sigh. "Yes, sir."


The auditorium was massive. Impressive sound system, seats all around, and oh my fucking god are those balconies-

Too bad Y/N didn't really get a good look at it, because Wells steered him straight into the backstage area. There, Professor Hadern was waiting for him. Her face got slightly redder upon seeing his body but she quickly steeled herself, so Y/N couldn't be sure if he imagined it.

Must be the lights.

"There you are. We have about 5 minutes before the staff start filing students in, so....over there is the chair you'll be sitting in." She pointed to an ornate wooden chair. It had little patterns of grape vines and flowers all over it. S/N would've loved it.

"Mhm. Anything else?" Y/N asked her. She shook her head, so Y/N sat down. It was fairly comfortable, too. Add that to the list of surprising things at this school.

A bit later, he heard some chatter, so he used Remote Observation, meaning he could control his eyesight like a drone, into the auditorium. Y/N saw Sophia talking with a girl who had long white hair, was wearing a crop top, short shorts, knee-high socks, sneakers, and had a baseball cap perched neatly on her head.

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