Hardly Peaceful

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey! If you managed to get this far in the book without losing interest in my shitty storytelling, please please PLEASE leave some constructive criticism! Trust me, it helps a lot. And don't be afraid to drop a vote! I want this story to grow, but only YOU, dear reader, can make that happen. 

It has been hard, building an entire world from the ground up, but I didn't want to go the easy route and do a self-insert male reader story in (insert fandom here.) Not for my first book, at least. I am not a big writer, by any means, but my goal is to create stories with the best quality I can produce. If you like them, please drop some reviews!

BUT if you don't like this book and/or my shitty storytelling...well...what are you doing here? - Junior21135

1 YEAR AGO....

Deathcaller was scaling the rooftops, searching for his next target. He had just finished off a well-known sex trafficker that had been awaiting trial. James Wepstoon. He was filthy rich, and would've almost certainly used that money to get out of jail time. Fortunately, he'd called in help from Tekna to hack into his bank account and transfer all the money into the Capital City Public School system.

He was pretty sure she'd taken some of the money for herself, but that's not important. He could almost hear his father speaking in his ear. Focus on the here and now. The past has happened, you cannot change it.

He tried to, multiple times. Once he'd gotten a hold on his time powers, he'd tried to rewind time to bring them back. He couldn't. Apparently you can only travel to the past to view events. When you try to change the past, you get booted back into the present.

He spotted a creep advancing on a girl about his age. 17, to be exact. A rapist and a pedophile. 


He took off in flight and landed on a roof above the alley in which the encounter was taking place, to observe the situation and see if the girl had a power that could be used to defend herself.

"Come on, a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be out all alone at this hour. My truck's right around the corner. I can take you home, or if you want the scenic route, I can give you the ride of your life, heheh." She didn't buy it.

"Back the fuck off, weirdo. I don't want anything to do with you." The figure laughed, then suddenly had her on her knees. "What makes you think you have any choice?"

A howl suddenly sounded. A wolf, from the sound of it. Another howl, then another, and another. They all seemed to be coming closer. Y/N had a guess about who they belonged to.

One of them suddenly appeared on another roof and leapt off, landing on the attacker. "Gah-AAAHH-" he screamed as the wolf started tearing into his back, while two more wolves were helping the girl get back to her feet as she watched her attacker's plight with disinterest. She started idly humming a song, which was interrupted when the wolf was suddenly thrown at her. 

The other two were pinned to the ground as the attacker laughed maniacally. Blood was streaming from his back and trickling from his mouth. She was forced to turn around and bend over against a nearby dumpster. 

"Nngh!" She struggled to break free of the psychokinesis, as the attacker started unzipping his pants.

Okay, that's enough. Y/N leapt down.

"Now what do we have here?" The attacker whirled around, and his face paled with fear. 

"N-no! No! NO!" he screamed. Y/N teleported to his head, levitating above him, and started stroking his face. The attacker whimpered, paralyzed with fear.

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