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Gerard's POV

I started the car and Drove Bandit back home. She was silent, she wouldn't speak to me. I gulp softly looking through the rearview mirror to see my Daughter slouched in the back, Hoodie over her head. I sighs "Bandit, I'm sorry baby" I apologize. She just huffs "you said that last time to dad, when is this going to end?" she asks and I look at her sadly "I- I don't know, soon hopefully"

The rest of the ride was silent. I pulled up to our home and Bandit got out not saying a word, she stormed upstairs ignoring me completely. I huff and walk inside too, locking the door behind me. Teenagers... they're exhausting especially when you have to raise them on your own. 

I started to make dinner, I was softly singing to myself while a cooked. Bandit came down the stairs and sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, "dad" she asks and I hum looking up. "Can we go out tonight?" Bandit asked and I sigh "I dunno B..." 

"please please please! A rock band is here in town and I wanna see them so bad! You were in a band dad remember? PLEASE" Bandit says and I sigh. Actually no... I don't remember being in a band... Apparently that was one of the few things I couldn't remember. I shrug it off and smile. 

"What times the concert?" I ask putting the tray in the oven and shutting it. "8" Bandit says and I sigh "I suppose we can go..." I smile. Maybe I did need to go, have fun. Spend time with my only child... "Really?" B says in shock and I laugh nodding my head "Thanks dad!" she hugs me and I smile brightly "You're welcome kid, now... go set the table" I say and she happily complies with my request.

Frank's POV

My band and I got to the venue a few hours early so we can set up and practice. I was excited, it was our last stop on the tour, we had a few week break before we got up and moved out of NJ and to VA.  

I was hooking Pansy up to the AMP while Anthony did some vocal warmups. My mind couldn't not think of Gerard as I heard the warmups he did. Reminded me of Gerard. My Gerard. The man who forgot me. 

I shake off the awfully sad emotions and start to play a few songs. "hey! ya ready for tonight?" Tucker asks coming over to me with a grin "yeah yea..." I say softly not even trying to smile back as I focus on... well not focusing on Gee. 

"How's it feel being home?" Tucker asks obviously not getting the hint that I wasn't in the mood. "It's yea its cool... lots of people I don't wanna see around here though" I chuckle and he nods in agreement "yeah man, damn I just saw my first grade teacher like how the fuck are you still alive!" he jokes and I smile weakly

 "I saw my ex boyfriend so... can't be worse then that" I shrug and Tucker shuts up real quick. "damn man.. that sucks" he says and I shrug "that chapter in my life ended I guess... fuck I met his daughter today too and she looks identical to him. It's freaky" I tell him

"wow... is he coming to the show?" Tucker asks and I scoff "I doubt it... why would he come to the show of the man he has forgotten" I mumble and turn to face the other way letting Tucker know that was indeed the end of the conversation.

Gerard's POV

Bandit and I sat down together to eat the lasagna I have made. We were pretty much silent untul she speaks up "so... who was the man with Uncle Mikey today?" she asks and I shrug "his names Frank..." I frown "I forgot him just like I forgot the band" I tell her truthfully and she looks shocked.

"I haven't seen him in years, you've never met him. We lost contact a long long time ago" I tell her with a sad smile "well why?" she asks and I shrug "I have no clue... one day Frank changed his number and moved out of New Jersey" I tell my daughter who stares in shock.

"maybe he left cause he was sad... sad that you couldn't remember...maybe you were really important to him, dad" she says "well if I was so important why wouldn't he call?" I ask and she shrugs "well you and mom got married and had me. He probably didn't see the need to call cause he saw you happy... without him" she says

and holy shit... my 13 year old daughter had a good point "holy fuck baby girl how did you get so intelligent  I didn't even think about that!" I say softly. She shrugs and smiles "maybe thats why he was acting so weird today" she says and I nod.

"such a smart girl... now come on lets finish eating so we can go to the concert" I happily say. she nods in agreement and stuffs her face with lasagna making me smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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