Lost Us

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Being woken up to sun rays harshly shining in your eyes is not fun

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Being woken up to sun rays harshly shining in your eyes is not fun. Looking around the room I spotted my purse that held my phone.

Leaning over to pick it up, I felt hands tighten around my waist pulling me down. "Where are you going, my love?" Jordiyn mumbled with her head squeezed to my side.

"To get my phone, so can you let me go please." Jordiyn shook her head and went back to sleep. "Girl the fuck you mean no? Let me go." I said with an attitude.

She sat upright letting me go. "What are you going to do today?" I shrugged. "Probably go to brunch with Amelia, why?" "No reason just wanted to know," Jordiyn said with a yawn.

"Okay, would you like to come?" Jordiyn hummed. "Well, I want to reach there by at least noon." Jordiyn hummed again. "Do you like men?" Jordiyn hummed once again.

Then I finally looked at what she was looking at... my breast that's exposed. I quickly pulled the sheet over my body. "Why did you do that?" Jordiyn asked with a slightly irritated tone.

I rolled my eyes. "You weren't paying attention to me."

"Yes, I was," "No you weren't because I asked if you liked men and you said yes." After aggressively taking the sheet with me I got up to go to the bathroom.

"Alright baby I'm sorry but you're just so beautiful and I just couldn't believe I had you in my bed." She came up behind me and kissed my nape.

"Yeah, whatever, I hope you know that this was a one-time thing... right?" I asked looking at her through the mirror. She dropped her hands off my body and walked back, her face showed a confused angered expression.

"What do you mean a one-time thing? Iza stop playing with me right now..." silence filled the room.

"I meant what I said," I said curtly.

Jordiyn chuckled and left the room. I thought we were on the same page... oh well. Peeing then washing my hands and face I got out and put on my clothes from last night.

Walking down the stairs with my heels and purse in hand I found Jordiyn downstairs downing a large cup of brown liquid. I shook my head.

"You still coming or are you going to let that ruin our friendship?" I asked standing by the door. Jordiyn opened her mouth to speak but her phone started ringing.

"Mmcht, bye. See you whenever." I said before opening the door and walking out going to my car.

Getting in, I sat in the car and let out a sigh then backed out her driveway going to my home. Reaching home I parked in the driveway so I don't have to open the garage when I'm leaving in a few.

Getting out I took my purse with me and took my keys out to open my front door. Stepping inside I went upstairs to my walk-in to pick an outfit while calling Amelia.

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