Jordiyn's Job

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Jordiyn Marino, 27 years old.

Slowly waking up due to movements happening in the bed. Feeling around I felt warmth and wrapped my arms around it.

Looking up I saw it was Iza trying to get up, "Where are you going, my love?" I asked still sleepy stuffing my head to her side.

"To get my phone, so can you let me go please," Iza said, I shook my head and went back to sleep. "Girl the fuck you mean no? Let me go." I know she ain't got an attitude so early in the morning.

I sat upright unhanding her. "What are you going to do today?" She shrugged.

"Probably go to brunch with Amelia, why?" "No reason just wanted to know." I let out a yawn.

My eyes fell on her exposed breast after the sheet dropped with her talking. I heard not one thing, I hummed with each statement to make it seem like I was paying attention.

I guess she realized what I was watching because Iza quickly pulled the sheet over her body. "Why did you do that for?" I said too fast so it sounded like I was irritated.

She rolled her eyes at me. She has too much attitude this morning, I thought I fucked all that out last night.

"You weren't paying attention to me." "Yes, I was," "No you weren't because I asked if you liked men and you said yes." Why would she ask that in the first place?

Aggressively taking the sheet with her, she got up going to the bathroom.

"Alright baby I'm sorry but you're just so beautiful and I just couldn't believe I had you in my bed," I said getting up and following behind her into the bathroom.

I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her soft waist kissing her nape.

"Yeah, whatever, I hope you know that this was a one-time thing... right?" I looked at her in the mirror with my eyebrow raised. What the fuck is Iza really on this morning.

I dropped my hands off her body and walked back, at this point I was confused and angry. I'm sure my face gave those emotions away.

"What do you mean a one-time thing? Iza stop playing with me right now..." silence filled the room.

"I meant what I said." She curtly added.

I chuckled shaking my head not letting my thoughts get to me, I left the room. Iza was really funny today.

Going downstairs, I went into my guest bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Coming out I went to the kitchen to pour myself a drink.

I took a shot... that shit wasn't enough. I went to my cabinet and took out a large cup to pour the rest of the whisky in it.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs when I started drinking from the cup. I didn't bother to look.

"You still coming or are you going to let that ruin our friendship?" I heard from the door. Getting ready to speak, my phone cut me off by ringing.

"Mmcht, bye. See you whenever." Iza said before opening the door and walking out.


Looking at the phone to see who was calling I saw it was Pablo, after sighing I answered. "Yes." I rubbed my temple.

"Well good morning to you too, but I need you here as soon as possible. I finally found that fucker and his female friend." He said cutting to the chase, I answered, "Alright, I'll be there." With that, I hung up.

Going upstairs I saw the bags of things I got for Iza sitting on the couch. Sighing, I turn my head back around to continue my journey upstairs.

I stripped out the T-shirt and joggers I had on. Stepping into the bathroom, I took a shower, going to my closet I took out the outfit I'd need for today.

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