chapter 5

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ok, ya'll I'm back, the problem was solved I will now continue the story with what is left of my motivation to write.

have you ever not had motivation for a book you are writing, but have endless motivation for a book that came out of your 3 am hallucinations because I have

anyway continued the story now

3rd person

the Midoriyas(plus Shouto and the Bakugous) entered the doctor's room together all nervous about what Izuku's quirk was about. safe to say they were all nervous . "what seems to be the problem" the doctor asked. "I think my son Izuku just got his quirk". "oh well if that's the case why don't we get you checked young man".

"what seems to be bothering you, young man, you seem uncomfortable," said the doctor "My eyes hurt" the doctor nodded. "ok why don't you open your eyes so I can take a look"

Izuku opens his eyes and his beautiful emerald eyes are the last thing the doctor sees before turning into

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Izuku opens his eyes and his beautiful emerald eyes are the last thing the doctor sees before turning into....stone!!!. the doctor had turned into stone immediately he looked into Izuku's eyes. ok if  Izuku wasn't freaked out before he was now.

"holy shit"

Was that Katsuki or Mitsuki, Izuku was too distressed to know

Izuku POV 

oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I just turned him into stone, I stood frozen as everyone looked at me " I didn't mean to " I managed to choke out, and now I realize I'm crying. soon I started sobbing while saying sorry before Mommy put her hand on my shoulder. "it's okay Izuku we'll figure it out just calm down" 

"ok, mommy..." I said as I calmed down. It was now I noticed that the ground around me started to turn into stone"Oh" I said "the floor is stone" As I looked around I realized that not only the doctor was stone but also some things around me too

I started to calm down and the things around me stopped turning to stone. "ok I'm calm now, I think" I say, " ok let's get another doctor" Mom sighed. I nodded. soon we were out the door looking for a nurse after Mom put a blindfold on my eyes.

"hello how can I help you" said a female voice. I then heard my mom and Kacchan's mom talking to the nurse, I think. I was then pulled into a room and put into a chair.

3rd person

they then put Izuku in a chair and got a collecting receptacle to collect the possible venom he might produce. it turns out that he might produce and it turns out that he did produce venom. he could produce all kinds of venoms, but at the moment the main venom he can create is a paralytic venom which is also what they used to reverse the stoni9ng by making an antidote to it. this works because if the paralytic venom is taken in large doses at once it stones the victim of the venom.

I've been writing this chapter for weeks so

<after they reversed the doctor's state>

doctor: ok, Mr. Midoriya, let me run a few more tests on you and I can give you your quirk results. unfortunately, you are required to wear this blindfold due to the incident that occurred before.

Izuku: o-ok *sniff* I can do that

with that put in place, the blindfold was placed on Izuku's face and the tests began. they started testing some small (consented) blood samples to figure out his quirk and the amount of power it holds.

to be continued........

ok so I know I was absent for a long time but I was busy with some things going on. I had a lot of tests recently, I was sick and overall lacked motivation. 

the next chapter is just gonna be about his quirks then I'm gonna time skip into the middle school timeline.

words: 651 

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