The Weird Looking Rock

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"And it's like just give me a C already! What's the point of giving me a D plus?" Clara whined.

"Uh-huh." Luz nodded not really listening.

Luz had met Clara in her freshmen year of hex-side high school. Clara had already been pretty popular with a bunch of her own friends but she seemed to take a liking to Luz for some reason. Luz had figured she was interested in her because of the rumors of her being a freak or total weirdo in middle school. Which wasn't entirely off since Clara asked about those rumors from time to time. Now it was the start of their junior year.

"And it's like I get it, I'd want to see kids miserable too if I grew up to be a math teacher but there's like 20 other kids in that class!" Clara pouted.

"Why don't you just talk to him about your grade?" Luz suggested, opening her locker.

"Oh yeah that's going to work." Clara scoffed.

"I did it and I have a B in his class now. So..." Luz trailed off.

"I mean at least I'm passing and it's not an F." Clara sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair with a pink streak in the middle.

"Yeah, I guess." Luz shrugged, not sure how to respond.

"What about your grades?" Clara asked.

"Uh, Mostly C's and a few B's."

"You're so lucky."

"Nope, I just pay attention." Luz laughed. "And you should too—"

"Clara!" A group of girls in the hallway waved Clara over.

"Welp, I gotta go I'll see you at lunch." Clara waved walking to her group of friend.

"...yup I'll see you too." Luz watched Clara leave while some of her friends whispered things in her ear, looking at Luz. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were talking about. The freak of the school. The weirdo.
The loser.


On her way home Luz looked down on the concrete floor and small pebbles that stood in the way, kicking the bigger ones out of boredom. Then, she stopped in her tracks when something caught her eyes. "Huh, your a weird looking rock." Luz kneeled down, grabbing the stone. It was navy blue but so on the shade of blue became lighter, sprinkled with yellow dots on the top. It had something's carved on it that almost resembled a lighting bolt. "Your still pretty cool looking though." Luz grinned.

"Saving it for your rock collection, Noceda?" A familiar irritating voice came behind Luz. Boscha and her goons giggling like hyenas.

"Ha-ha." Luz reacted dryly, standing up. She subtly shoved the rock into her pocket. "You need something Boscha?"

"Just don't want you getting full of yourself. Just because Clara hangs out with you time to time doesn't make you automatically popular you know."

"Oh, yeah. Of course, we wouldn't want that." Luz nodded, resisting the temptation to roll her eyes.

"Let's go before the freak spreads her weirdness to us." Boscha scoffed, walking away with her group of friends.

"Gosh it's like she's a bully from the 80's ." Luz muttered.


"I need those stones. I will provide you with one, send whoever can get the job done. All I ask is that you retrieve them for me,  I can count on you, can't I?"

"Of course, Belos. We will send our best workers in the Blight industry. Our daughter—"

"As I said, all I need are the rune stones. Send whoever you must, Alador. You may leave now."

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