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"Gus, this is like no other meeting in this basement." Luz paced around.

"Yeah, it does seem that you've finally cleaned it." Gus looked around.

"What? Never mind." Luz shook her head. "Ta-da!" Luz showed Gus the water rune stone.

"Woah, you got another? Cool! How?" Gus stood up.

"It's the water rune stone! And funny story, I got it from Amity."

"You managed to steal it?" Gus grinned.

"Nope, she gave it to me!" Luz answered.

"... Amity? The girl who has tried to give you 3rd degree burns countless times?" Gus asked, skeptical of the situation.

"Can you stop talking about her like that? She's changed. I know it." Luz frowned. She was tired of Eda and everyone else who was a part of this talking about Amity like that. Luz full-heartedly believed that Amity changed.

"Right, right. Sorry. So, what are you going to do with it? Combine it with the lightning stone?" Gus guessed.

"No, I'm giving it to you." Luz placed the water rune stone in Gus's hand.

"W-what?" Gus looked up at Luz.

"I don't know anyone better I could trust to help me with this other than you. So, wanna help me out?"

"Really?! Of course, I wanna help!"

"Great! Now, I have to go somewhere."

"We're going on a mission already?"

"No, I'm meeting up with someone. You are going to stay here and train with Eda."


"You agree?! Thank you so much, Gus! Well, I'm off, bye!" Luz grabbed Owlbert, her owl mask, and cape, before running out of the basement.

"Dang it."


Luz flew to the church roof, but Amity wasn't there.  "Amity?" Luz called out.

"Down here." Amity stood outside the closed church's entrance.

"I thought we agreed to meet on the roof?" Luz landed on the ground.

"I'm not climbing a public church in the daytime just to meet up, you dolt."

"Oh, yeah, we could be seen." Luz nodded.

"Exactly, so take the mask and cape off, and put the owl away." Amity sighed.

"Right," Luz shoved her mask and cape in her satchel. "But, Owlbert-"

"Owlbert?" Amity snorted. "You named it Owlbert?"

"Well, I didn't. A friendly witch did." Luz smiled at Amity laughing.

"A witch?"

"It's... a long story."

"Just put Owlbert away, people are going to be suspicious."

"Alright," Luz tucked Owlbert in her bag. "So, you're with our side now?"

"I'm helping you. And you only. I don't want to meet the rest of your team." Amity grumbled.

"Okay, well, where do I even start?" Luz walked next to Amity.  "So, there's this witch, Eda. She's from another realm. Thousands of years ago, she created these rune stones as a peace offering for humans because humans weren't that fond of witches back in the day. But, when the humans realized the rune stones' true potential, war broke out. Powerful leaders were fighting for them, and Eda decided to put a stop to this. Hiding all the rune stones, until you found the fire rune stone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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