Is Fire or Lightning Stronger?

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"And that's it." Luz rubbed her neck looking at Gus and Willow.

"A witch?" Willow arched a brow.

"Dang it, kid. Didn't I tell you to keep it a secret?" Eda appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh, who is that!?" Gus yelled.

"I wasn't, but Gus told Willow!"

"That's fine, I'll just brainwash the two of them." Eda sighed.

"Umm, I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about that." Willow chimed in.

"Eda, she's harmless. The both of them don't have any friends besides each other. They won't tell anyone." Luz protested.

"Hey—! But also true." Gus nodded.

"Fine, fine. But if any of you spill, I won't hesitate to wipe your memories."  Eda warned.

"How'd you get in here?" Willow looked around.

"She's a witch, magical powers and stuff." Luz shrugged.

"Didn't I tell you I'd swing by to train you? Say goodbye to friends." Eda grumbled.

"Alright, alright."

After Eda shooed Gus and Willow away they went to Luz's yard.

"You've for anywhere bigger for this?" Eda frowned.

"Well, we can't exactly use the rock—"

"Rune Stone." Eda corrected.

"Same-difference. We can't use it in front of my house with a bunch of people around, and I don't know where else we could do it."

"I guess this is fine." Eda sighed. "Now when you want to activate the stone you have to focus, right?"

"Yeah, it takes a few seconds." Luz nodded.

"Well, that's exactly why you need to train. You need to react quickly if you want to get the rune stones back."

"Right," Luz responded with a pause. "How do I do that?"

"How did you first activate the stone?"

"Uh—I was doing homework and I got frustrated, then bam." Luz made a gesture with her hands.

"You can activate the stone as long as you have it on you, but what's important is that you know how to control it. If you feel stressed, or you feel like you're in danger the rune stone will react like a reflex, it'll activate itself."


"Think of it as... flinching. When you feel like something is going to hurt you, you'll flinch. That's what the rune stone is like, but you can learn how to hold a flinch. The same with the rune stone. But if you activate it on accident you'll blow your cover. Now, you'll be learning how to control it."

"Alright!" Luz grinned bouncing up and down with her tiptoes excitedly.

"And before we do this." Eda grabbed the tune stone from Luz's pocket and performed a spell. "Try not to show it off as an accessory, though." Eda put the stone attached to a string, disguised as a necklace. "Wear it, don't show it off," Eda ordered.

"You got it!" Luz put the necklace on.

"Listen, kid, this job isn't just to be some hero. It's dangerous, I don't want you to be reckless. You need to think rationally."

"I know, I know. I'm not just a kid, I'm a teen!" Luz reassured.

"Even worse."

"Hey!" Luz frowned.

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