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A week after the incident, Luz expected men in suits to come knocking on her door, but nothing ever happen. She hadn't gone on a mission since then because Eda kept insisting that she should take a break, but something still lingered on her mind. Why didn't anyone come? There wasn't even a search. Amity had clearly seen her face. So why?

"I think I'm ready," Luz spoke, trying to speak in a more assertive way, though she was fidgeting with her fingers, trying to soothe her nerves.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Eda replied, giving her attention to Luz's nervous body language.

"I want to go back there," Luz said. "I want to try again. I know how I reacted last time, but I was worried about Amity."

"You were worried about someone who has attempted to kill you?" Eda snorted.

"She's a kid. She's my age, Eda." Luz reasoned.

Eda inhaled sharply, sighing deeply before speaking. "One day, that big heart of yours is going to get you killed." Eda paused for a moment. "I'll let you go again. Just promise me something."

"Anything." Luz was quick to reply, nodding her head.

"Don't force yourself to be ready. If you need more time off, that's okay." Eda put a hand on Luz's shoulder.

"I promise," Luz said.



Now, Luz was on a roof, crouching down, so guards wouldn't see her. She had noticed there were more than before, probably because of her. Luz gazed around, trying to find the familiar golden cat mask. When she did, Luz realized she was off to the side, talking with the other gold mask.

She hadn't given much thought to the other one. But, it was kind of weird, one had a stone and the other didn't.

Luz watched the other one leave to command the guards to dig at another area, leaving Amity alone. "Alright, buddy." Luz took the perched owl off her shoulder and held him in the palms of her hands. "Let's go for a quick ride?" Luz smiled. She watched Owlbert turn into a staff. Then, flew off the roof, flying around the restricted site, trying not to catch any of the guards' attention. Luz landed quietly, a few feet from Amity, who didn't seem to notice her. Not really sure how to catch her attention, Luz, being Luz, whispered, "Amity?"

Amity swiftly turned around. "You!" She shouted. Luz couldn't see her face under the mask, but she was sure Amity looked furious under it.


"I'm going to-" Before Amity could finish her threat, Luz interrupted her.

"Let's have a one-on-one. If you beat me, you get the stone."  Luz proposed. "But, away from here."

"Yeah, so you can ambush me?"

"No-" Luz tried to protest, but Amity was already starting to spark flames in her palms.


Now, Luz found herself hopping from roof to roof, running away from Amity.

"Amity wait!"

"You want a one-on-one? You've got it!" Amity's left arm flickered brightly with flames.

"You know you can't beat me! Just listen to me! I don't want to fight!" Luz shouted back at her.

"Then, give me the rune stone if you want this to end!" Amity reached a handout.

Luz & AmityWhere stories live. Discover now