Get Some Rest

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"I heard there was an interruption during your process to find the stones. Why don't you tell me what happened, Hunter?" Belos had his back turned, gazing out the window from the tall building they stood in. Hunter stood straight, his eyes downcast. 

"There was a girl," He started, with a pause after. "She...had a stone." Hunter's lips curled into a thin line of worry. "The lighting stone. Amity and she fought, and she ended up escaping."

"I see," Belos nodded, and finally turned around, facing Hunter. "So, you're telling me that Amity fought, and you stood there and watched?"

"No, I-" Hunter clenched his jaw tightly to prevent himself from saying anything wrong. "Uncle, If I had a stone-"

"You do not need a stone. You have guards ready at your every command and Amity to assist you." Belos's voice turned stern and rough, making Hunter want to flinch at the sound of it.

"Why did you trust her with the stone? I'm your heir, shouldn't I get one?" Hunter's brows furrowed.

"I didn't. I trusted Alador, they're reliable workers for us, and they get the job done. They trusted Amity with the rune stone, and I trust their decision." Belos stated simply, his voice not wavering once. "If you want a stone so badly, find the next one and keep it."

Hunter wanted to protest, he did, but the way his uncle's expression didn't falter once made him back down from the idea. "Of course, Uncle. I apologize." Hunter sighed dejectedly.


"Eda, am I done training now?" Luz groaned, resisting the temptation to throw a tantrum.

"You've got to be prepared for the real thing, Luz. When you're fighting and you're tired, you don't get to call a time-out." Eda sighed, rubbing her temples.

"I know, but humans are fragile." Luz pouted. "They aren't like witches, y'know? They get sore and need time to rest." Luz explained, clutching and pressing the rune stone to her chest. "I've never been good with a lot of things. I'm not super smart, or athletic, or popular, or pretty like the other kids. But, I know I have a chance with this. So, just give me more time. This might be something I'm meant for." Luz looked up, turning her gaze to Eda with pleading eyes. "Please."

"Alright," Eda sighed. "I'll give you more time, but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you during your training, got it?" Eda smirked playfully.

"Yeah!" Luz smiled, nodding vigorously. "I'm going to head inside for water," Luz said, walking to the backdoor.

"Alright," Eda shrugged.

"And, thanks.  For letting me do this." Luz looked at Eda, her lips curving into a small smile.


"We were informed there was an incident during the operation," Odalia spoke up, looking at Amity while the twins had a look of concern on their faces.

"...There was," Amity confirmed after a moment of silence. "A girl arrived at the site. She... had a rune stone." And just for a moment, Amity's cold demeanor slightly wavered, like any other scared 16-year-old.  A vulnerable expression appeared when she looked up at her parent's displeased faces.

After all, she was still a kid inside.

"We fought, but she managed to escape,"  Amity explained, her voice tense.

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