Chapter 2

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I awoke to indistinct chatter on my TV. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and scrolling through my social media and messages. Nothing out of the ordinary, other than about five texts from Josh, all of them begging me to answer him.

I sighed, not wanting to get out of bed. The events of yesterday played out in my head. I'd been happily playing video games one second, and then the next, Cloud Strife himself had somehow magically appeared in my living room. Shit. Cloud.

I flung the blankets off of me, sitting up and stretching. I walked over to my door, opening it slowly, just in case Cloud was still asleep. I tip toed down the hall, seeing the blonde haired man lying on the couch. He was on his stomach, one arm tucked under his pillow and the other arm dangling off the side. Not how he was usually portrayed while sleeping in the game, but he was in the real world now so maybe those rules no longer applied?

Given that Cloud was a SOLDIER, he supposed to be a light sleeper as well. In the game, he would awake to the slightest sound and jump out of bed, immediately ready for action. But now; he looked dead to the world. The TV had paused, sitting on the "Are you still there?" Screen.

I decided to let Cloud sleep, trying to come up with a plan. I still didn't have to go back to work until tomorrow. I usually spent my days off playing games, but my console was fried, and I doubted Cloud would want to watch me game all day.

I decided to make breakfast. I headed to the kitchen, pondering on what to actually make. I lived alone, so I was content with just a bowl of cereal, but what would Cloud like? I looked through the cabinets, eventually gathering the ingredients to make pancakes. I mixed up the batter, scrambling to find a clean pan. I didn't have much cooking ware, and the ones I did have, I didn't clean very often. If there was one chore I hated with a passion, it was dishes.

I decided to play some music while I cooked; loud enough to be heard, but not so loud as to wake Cloud. I began to cook the pancakes, dancing and quietly singing along with the music:

"Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said, or what you threw at me
Please tell me
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard
And I'm sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone"

I continued to dance around the kitchen, in my own little world. I was in the middle of plating the pancakes when I finally spotted Cloud standing in the door way. I immediately stopped dancing and singing, my face turning a bright red,

" long have you been awake?" I asked, trying to play off that I hadn't just been having my own little concert.

Cloud yawned and rubbed his eye, "I don't know. Long enough to enjoy the show" he said, I turning away from him.

"Please forget all of that." I said, handing him a plate.

"What is this? Bread circles?" He asked, smelling it.

"Pancakes. You're supposed to eat them with butter and syrup." I told him, drowning my stack in maple syrup.

Handed the bottle to Cloud, the blonde adding some to his. He cut tore off a piece with his fork, taking a small bite before making a face.

"Does everything here have a shit ton of sugar in it?" He asked, removing the pancake from his plate that was now soaked in syrup.

"Not everything. But you're not a fan of sweets, noted." I said, offering him the butter next.

Cloud spread the butter on the pancake, seeming to actually enjoy the flavor.

"So what song where you listen' to?" He asked, picking my phone up from the counter.

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