Chapter 7

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I laid in the floor, curled into the fetal position. It felt as if my lower half was going to rip in half. The pain was coming in waves. No amount of stretching or moving positions would ease the pain at this point.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do..." Cloud said awkwardly, sitting in the floor beside me.

"It's okay. There's nothing you really can do." I told him, placing my head in his lap.

Cloud gently stroked my hair, my body involuntarily moving as another wave of pain hit me.

"Fuck..." I groaned,

"Are they this bad all the time?" Cloud asked, looking down at me.

"Not all the time, but when they're rough, they're rough." I told him.

Mother Nature had unfortunately decided to visit me a week early. I sat up, sighing as I hugged my knees.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" He asked. I felt bad for him. I knew he just wanted to help, but there really was nothing he could do.

I'd taken Midol and ibuprofen, but it looked like this was going to one of those days where nothing would touch the cramps. I thought for a minute,

"Actually, it'd be great if you could get me a snack. I'm really craving something sweet." I told him, Cloud helping me stand up.

"Then I'll be back soon." He said, grabbing the motorcycle keys from the hook.

Before I could even say anything, Cloud was already out the door. He closed it rather roughly behind him. Was he mad? I felt sadness wash over me. I knew I was probably just over thinking, and my hormones were raging, but I couldn't help but let a few tears fall.

Had I done something to upset him? Maybe I shouldn't have asked him to get me anything. He was still learning his way around town. Did he even know where the grocery store was? What if he couldn't figure out what snacks to get? I should have been more specific.

I spent the next few minutes crying and playing over the worst scenarios in my head. Cloud suddenly opened the door, carrying in two bags full of stuff. He placed them on the table, immediately rushing over to me once he saw I was upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked gently, wiping my tears away.

"A-are you mad at me?" I asked, crying even harder. Now I just felt dumb for asking.

"No? Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because you shut the door really hard when you left. And I didn't tell you what I wanted and...and...I don't know I'm just sad" I said, hiding my face in his chest.

"I didn't mean to shut the door that hard. Sorry." He said, hugging me tightly, "but hey, come here. I got you a lot of stuff."

He lead me to the kitchen table, starting to empty of the bags,

"You said you wanted something sweet, but I didn't know what you wanted. So, I got you ice cream, chocolate and strawberry," he said, showing me two pints of ice cream, "and I got you some chocolate candies."

Cloud showed me three bags of candy. One Reese's Cups, a bag of Hersheys mini chocolate bars, and a bag of M&Ms, "I got you some more pads and tampons too." He said, showing me two boxes, "I wasn't sure which ones to get you, so I just got regular...whatever that means."

"Oh and," he said, pulling out a bottle of white wine, "I thought this might help too."

I wiped my tears, starting to laugh. Cloud had went completely overboard.

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