Chapter 4

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I watched the screen through tears. Cloud sat beside me, his arms crossed as usual. He was watching the movie with me, but he didn't seem to feel any kind of emotion.

"Are you really crying over this? It's not even that sad." Cloud commented.

"Yes!," I choked through tears, "He can fit! They can both live!"

"He was was trying to climb on with her but it kept sinking. So even if he did get on, it couldn't support both their weight." Cloud replied, breaking my heart even more.

We were watching Titanic. Cloud had wanted to watch a movie, but couldn't decide what to pick. I'd recommended Titanic as it was a classic and everyone should watch it at least once.

"Okay, but it's still sad." I said, starting to cry harder once the credits rolled.

"If I knew this movie was gonna do this to you, I would never have never agreed to watch it." Cloud said, picking up the remote.



"You're a dick." I said, wiping away tears and laughing some.

Cloud's eyes widened, but then he cut them away quickly, "sorry..." he mumbled, putting his head down.

A soft ding came from the kitchen, Cloud getting off the couch, "I'll get it." He said, returning a few minutes later with two slices of pizza.

He handed me a plate, sitting down on the couch again. Cloud had been with me a little over two months now. We were practically roommates at this point. I still thought about how he would ever return to his game, but Cloud didn't seem too worried about getting back anytime soon, so I didn't think on it too much.

I'd even made him a fake ID. Josh may have been an ass, but he did at least teach me a few things, granted most of them illegal. I'd also let Cloud borrow my brother's motorcycle, that way he could come and go as he pleased while I was at work. Though, Cloud was a home body.

"Oh, I meant to ask you," I said, swallowing my bite of pizza, "would you wanna go on vacation with me?"

Cloud looked over at me, "vacation? To where?"

"Kure Beach. My parents own a condo down there so, we're pretty much free to use whenever we want." I explained to him.

Cloud shrugged, "sure, I guess. But I don't exactly have beach clothes..."

"Don't worry about it. There's loads of extra clothes at the condo. I'm sure you can find something. And if you can't, then we'll just go shopping." I told him.

"Hm, okay, when should we go?" He asked.

"I start my vacation time next week. So we can probably leave that Friday night after I get off. Or if you prefer we can leave early Saturday morning? It's a pretty long drive, but I'm okay either way. Up to you." I told him.

Cloud thought for a moment, "Why don't we leave Friday and I'll drive. You can sleep on the way there."

I blushed some, "are you sure? I can drive it's okay..." I told him. I was always the one to drive when Josh and I were together. If the car ride was longer than an hour or two, Josh would rather sit in the passenger seat and play on his phone the entire time.

"Yeah, you work all the time and I don't do much, so driving isn't that big of a deal. Just tell me how to get there." Cloud said, making me smile slightly.

"Sure. It's a date then."


After a long eight hour drive, we finally pulled into the driveway of the condo. It was pretty late at night, about 2:30am, but like Cloud had suggested, I had slept most of the way. Cloud helped me carry the luggage inside,

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