Chapter 6

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I awoke to a soft tickle on my nose. I opened my eyes, seeing Clouds head was on my chest. His left arm was wrapped around my waist. The blonde was snoring softly.

I kissed the top of his head, gently brushing the stray hairs from his face. I couldn't tell if it was just a crush, or if I was really falling for him: but if this was what I would wake up to every morning, I didn't want Cloud going back to his game.

I looked over him fully. His back was covered in scratches, and I had multiple hickeys covering my skin. Sure, I'd never had bad sex per say, but the sex with Cloud was on another level. It's like he knew exactly how to turn me on, then again, it could have just been my fantasy coming true that did it, but did it really matter?

I held him close to me, closing my eyes and just enjoying being with him. Cloud softly stirred, his blue eyes slowly opening. They eventually met my gaze, Cloud leaning up and kissing me softly.

I kissed him back, my heart practically skipping a beat,

"Good morning, beautiful." He said sleepily.

I blushed, smiling up at him, "good morning."

He suddenly made a face,

"Ow. Fuck, what the hell?" He said, pulling his hand from under the pillow.

"What's wr- oh my god!" I gasped, looking at his hand.

It was extremely swollen and so bruised it was practically black at this point. Cloud tried to move his fingers, but he let out a grunt of pain,

"I think it's actually broken. You need to see a doctor." I told him, getting out of the bed.

I got dressed, going to help Cloud put his clothes on, being extra careful with his hand. We headed out the door, getting into my car. I drove Cloud to the urgent care.

"How did you move them last night? Didn't it hurt?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I guess it was adrenaline. Didn't hurt this bad until now" he told me.

We pulled into the parking lot. We were lucky it was still early, and there weren't that many people before us. I walked him inside, getting him checked in at the front desk.

It was about a twenty minute wait, but Cloud was finally called back,

"So what are we in for today?" Asked the nurse, taking Clouds vitals.

"I think my hand is broken" he told her, nurse sucking air through her teeth.

"Ooh yeah that looks broken alright. We'll need to get some X-rays, follow me." She told us, leading us down the hall.

"You wait in here, I'll be right back with him." She told me, motioning to a small.

I sat in the chair, waiting for Cloud to get done with his x-rays. It only took about ten minutes before the nurse and Cloud were back,

"Have a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly." She said, closing the door behind her.

Cloud sat on the exam table, looking around the room.

"This your first time at a doctor's office?" I asked him.

"No. But this place is a lot less advanced than back home." Cloud explained.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Back home if we broke anything, they'd just give us a shot it was fixed in a few hours. We didn't need to do X-rays." Cloud said, the doctor opening the door.

"Alright, let's took a look at that hand shall we?" He said, pulling up Clouds x-rays on the computer.

I could see the break before the doctor said anything. His middle finger had a small crack in the bone near the knuckle, his ring finger mostly the same, but a small sliver of the bone had splintered out.

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