Chapter 3

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It'd been about a week since Cloud showed up. I'd spent some of my time trying to figure out how to send him back, but I was coming up with nothing. It also didn't help that Cloud seemed to have no clue he was even from a game. Though, I guessed that most likely wouldn't be your first thought if you randomly appeared in another world.

Cloud had pretty much become the live-in maid. He spent the day at the apartment, cleaning and taking care of things while I worked at the office. I'd told him multiple times that he didn't have to clean, but he insisted. He said he felt he should help any way he could since he was living with me rent free at this point. Though, I had to admit, coming home to a clean apartment was rather nice.

I unlocked my door, shuffling inside and dropping my bags on the kitchen table.

"Cloud? I'm home!" I called through the unit.

I could hear soft footsteps approaching me, the blonde emerging from the hall, "welcome back. Have a good day at work?"

I shrugged, "Same as usual," I told him, taking off my shoes, "but we're going out to tonight."

Cloud raised a brow, "going out?"

"Yeah. My friend Chelsea is throwing a party tonight. I thought it would be fun if we went." I explained.

Cloud crossed his arms, "I don't know, I'm not much of a party person."

"Oh come on. I don't expect you to act like a wild party animal, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few drinks and let loose."

"I don't know Rose..." Cloud said, adverting his eyes, "but, I guess I can go for a little while."

I smiled some, "awesome. We have a few hours before it starts. I'm gonna shower and get ready."

I spent the next hour or so doing my hair and makeup before getting dressed. I decided to dress in all black to match Cloud. Why exactly I wanted to match him, I wasn't sure, but it just felt right for some reason. I went with a pair of skinny jeans and a corset top, finishing off the look with a pair of black stiletto heels.

The only color I had on was my bright red lipstick. I exited my room, going to meet Cloud in the living room. He was sat on the couch, arms crossed and his head hung low. He was snoring softly.

"Cloud? Wake up. We're leaving now." I told him, getting shaking his shoulder.

He jumped a bit, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. He looked over at me, his blue eyes widening as he look me in.

"You okay?" I asked him, Cloud standing up.

"Y-yeah. It's just," his words trailing off, "it's hot...outside I mean. So that's a good outfit." He finished awkwardly.

I giggled some, my phone buzzing in my hand, "we'll come on, our Uber is here"

Cloud and I arrived at the party, the house and front lawn already littered with people. Cloud and I stepped out of the Uber, I leading Cloud inside the house. The music was already blasting over the speakers, and just about everyone had a red plastic cup in their hand.

Cloud followed behind me like a lost puppy. We made our way in to the kitchen, I having to yell over the music, "liquor or beer?"

Cloud shrugged, "whatever you're having."

"Vodka it is."

I grabbed two disposable shot glasses, grabbing the bottle of vodka and pouring us both a shot. We did cheers, both downing the shot in one go. I felt the burn of the alcohol down my throat, starting to do a little jig to the music as I poured another shot.

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