Chapter 5

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Cloud and I pulled into the drive way. We'd spent a week at the beach, sad that vacation was over, but happy to be home as well. We'd spent most of the day unpacking, finally relaxing on the couch. It was past midnight, the two of us almost dozing off together.

There was sudden loud knock at the door, making my jump,

"Who the hell...I got it." I said, getting off the couch and going to the door.

I rounded the corner, heading for the door. I tried to look through the peep hole, but I couldn't see anyone. I slowly opened the door, my blood running cold as I realized who it was.


"I want answers, and I want them now, Rose." He almost spat.

"Josh, what are you talking about?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You've been ignoring me for months," he said, motioning to my brother motorcycle next to my car, "and since when have you wanted to ride a motorcycle?"

I sighed, "look, I'm sorry, okay? It's just been rough for me for a whi-"

"That's fucking bullshit!" Josh yelled, making me flinch.

All the nights I'd spent crying while Josh screamed at me came rushing back. I felt like I was back in his apartment, having to carefully watch what I said for fear of making him angry.

I could hear foot steps coming towards the door. I knew it was Cloud. Josh's face twisted in anger once he caught a glimpse of him,

"He's the reason you've been ignoring me, isn't he? Huh?!" He asked, almost screaming at this point.

"Hey! What gives you the-"

I cut Cloud off, "It's been over a year, Josh. I don't owe you an explanation. I don't owe you anything, just go home." I said, backing away from him slightly.

Josh let out a laugh that was full of rage, "I begged you to let me drive that motorcycle. And you always told me no. Because 'it was too painful'" he said, mocking me, "but now all of sudden this random motherfucker is good enough?"

"Josh, please just go home." I repeated.

"Why? So you can keep fucking him? If you wanted to fuck a blonde all you had to do was ask me to dye my hair!" He yelled, coming into the door way.

"You're being ridiculous. Will you just go already?!" I yelled back, Josh rolling his eyes.

"Fine, but it's too bad your brother's dead. I'm sure he would have loved hearing his little sister is a whore." Josh spat at me.

I felt my blood boil. Sure, Josh had called me names before, but he never bought my brother into it. Before I had even realized what I had done, I slapped Josh across the face.

"Get. OUT!" I screamed.

Josh stumbled back some, looking at me and holding his cheek. I saw the same rage in eyes, and I knew I'd fucked up. He practically lunged at me, grabbing my throat and pushing me against the counter.

The corner dug into my lower back, Josh's hand squeezing my throat. I gasped in pain, feeling the sharp edge of the wood gouge my skin. I tried to fight and kick him, but when Josh was raging, he had the strength of ten men and then some.

"Hey!" I heard Cloud yell. Josh was then suddenly pulled off of me.

I took a minute to catch my breath, finally witnessing what was happening in front of me. Cloud had tackled Josh and was now brutally beating him with his bare fists. Josh's face was bloody and bruised.  If it didn't stop soon, Cloud would likely kill him.

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