chapter twenty-sixth

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A/N: .... y'all didn't give a chance to breathe before we hit 3000. I love y'all and I'm forever grateful. Here's a present <3

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Ashton's pov

"Why do you think I'm running away from my problems?" I asked her incredulously.

"Daja was trying to help and assured me that you had probably run off to avoid whatever it was that made you upset"
She frowned as she kept eye contact with me.

I softened my emotions and give her a smile "Daja was definitely right about that"

"You have really wonderful friends. Rell had tried to console me whilst I was embarrassing myself by crying"
Joliè replied softly as she chuckled.

I chuckled "Rell is always good to have around during a breakdown"

"I am really sorry about whatever I have done to upset you"
She said abjectly and quietly as she looked down to mess with her fingers.

"There's nothing you did, I was just embarrassed is all" I shook my head.

"Whatever for? Was it something I said?"
She asked as tears peeked through the corners of her eyes.

This is one of those moments in life where you have to choose wisely. Having previously experienced how sensitive Joliè is, I wanted to be careful in how I responded.

On one hand, I could just tell her straight up what was going on and hope that we're still cool. I'd grown attached to her, I won't deny it.

On the other hand, not embarrassing myself for the umpteenth time today seemed more appealing.

It wasn't a hard decision though. The way she was looking at me was hurting my feelings because I'm the one making her feel so awful about me getting humiliated.

I took a deep breath and chose the former.

"I might've, kinda sorta, tried to ask you out but I got nervous and embarrassed when you said no" I spoke fast and hoped somewhat that she would miss what I was saying. I knew I was blushing again from the heat on my cheeks. Embarrassing.

I couldn't look up at her but I could hear her gasp which made my whole body cringe in humiliation. This was so much worse the second time around.

My brain was flying through pages and pages of scenarios. Joliè wasn't talking and that made me panic even more. I snapped my head up to look at her and saw the tears streaming down her cheeks, yet she was beaming.

I stared at her in confusion while she just shook her head.

"I did not expect you to like me back" She said as her cheeks flushed with a cute pink that I was starting to adore.
"I wanted to ask you out first" She whined.

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