11~ Union of father-son

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Its been 2 days since that function and Kabir is busy with his new deal which can give boost to his career. Kajal indulged herself in the preparation of competition which will soon take place.

" Kaju."

Kajal heard Aadhya's voice and smile widely. She turn around only to spot Satya, Aadhya and their children. They've come to meet her.

" Come, bhabhi-maa."

She took all of them to her cabin.

" Oh! Fufa-ji's photo!"

Dhara exclaimed seeing Kabir's photo on Kajal's desk. She smiled and ruffled her hair. Jay climbed to her lap as she sat on couch while Ashvi kept hugging her mother. She loves her mother the most.

" So, how are you and Kabir?"

Aadhya asked and Kajal gave a positive answer.

" How's your preparations going on?"

Satya asked.

" Its going well, bhabhi-maa. I am just nervous. I do not want to make any mistake."

Aadhya smiled.

" You won't."

" Bua, Can I come to your house today?"

Dhara asked suddenly.

" Will you be able to live without your baba-sa and maa-sa?"

Dhara thought for few seconds before nodding her head hurriedly.

" Yes, I can."

Aadhya chuckled at her daughter.

" Then come, baby. How can I deny your presence. Your fufa-ji would love to see you."

Kajal said.

" Can we take Jay and Aashvi with us?"

Dhara asked.

" No, baby, not yet. When they will grow up. You can bring them with you."

Dhara nodded her head in agreement.

" We should go then. We came to see you."

Aadhya said.

" Stay for some more time, bhabhi-maa. I will order food for you."

Kajal insisted.

" No, its alright. Satya need to go to her dance class and I have some work in orphanage."

Kajal nodded and stood up. She send them off. Dhara stayed with her.

" Do you want chocolate, Dhara?"

Kajal asked Dhara while walking back to her working area.

" Yes!"

The little girl exclaimed.

" Aryan."

Kajal called her PA who was near to her. She told him to bring some snacks for Dhara. Till now she was getting bored while working now Dhara is giving her good company.

She talks a lot and love Kabir so much. Well, he does not leave a chance spoiling her with all love he has stored in his heart for her.

After completing the work, she left the office with Dhara. She sat on driver seat and Dhara took the passenger seat.

She ignite the engine and drove away. Dhara is second copy of Aadhya. She has only got dimple from her father. She wonder how their children will be like?

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