40~ A happy family

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Kabir wrapped his hand around his wife's waist from behind and snuggled his face into her neck. She tilted her head to the other side.

" Husband,"

She called him.

" Hmm."

He hummed against her neck while nibbling on her skin. She took a deep breath and spoke with a smile on lips.

" You might not remember this but once, you were playing your football match and I was in the audience..."

He furrowed his eyebrows and put his chin on her shoulder.

" You kicked the football and it came in my direction. I was so busy looking at you that I didn't even budge from place. All other students moved away afraidly but I was standing in the same position. It hit my forehead. Instead of yelping in pain, I was getting nervous seeing you running to my direction. I... I still remember how you caressed my forehead. Even though it lasted a few seconds, I was ecstatic. That was the best moment for my wife."

He pecked her cheek while she chuckled at her silly past.

" And You are the best moment of my life."

She put her hands on his which is wrapped around her waist then turned around. She looked into his eyes.

" I want to stop the time when I look at you."

He smiled.

" I can stop for you so that you look at me until you want."

She put her head on his chest.

" I had crush on you. Satya bhabhi-maa came and we soon got to know about you. Maa chose me for you. We got married, collected many beautiful memories. We now have a son, who is so stubborn and playful. My brothers got the best partners. What more can I wish for?"

She uttered. He lifted her up in arms and walked to the bed.

" Maybe, we can make love. It's been a while."

She blushed as he put her to bed. Removing his shirt, he hovered over her.

She circled her hands around his neck and smashed his lips against her.

He undressed her slowly. Both lay naked under the same blanket. The night was long and beautiful as they made love with all the affection they have for each other. He kissed her tenderly, as she felt little pain striking her body. He made sure to give her pleasure and do aftercare of her.

Around 6 in the morning, Kajal felt someone slipping between. It took her no second to realise it was Rajveer.

Rajveer hugged his mother tightly and again drifted into his dream. He was sleeping in his grandparents room when he had a bad dream and came running to his mother.

Next morning,

Kajal smiled while applying vermillion in the partition of her hair as she saw Kabir and Rajveer playing on bed. Kabir is tickling him.

" Hahahaha...baba.. Mat karo...hahah..baba..."

( Hahaha... baba.. don't .. haha.. baba..)

Kabir stopped tickling and gasped inaudibly when he attacked to tickle him now.

" When are you two going to take a bath?"

Kajal asked and both looked at her.

" Aap nehla dijiye na,"

( You give us a bath.)

She blushed as she saw a smirk on her husband's lips while Rajveer uttered the above sentence innocently..

" Baba, aap itne bade hain. Khud nahaiye. Maa, hume nehlayengi."

( Baba, you are so big. Bath yourself. Maa will bathe me.)

Rajveer climbed down and Kabir hurriedly jumped down from bed. He took him in his arms.

" We will take a shower together."

And they went into the bathroom. Kajal cleaned the bed and walked to the couch.

Door of the bathroom was hung open and she thinned her eyebrows seeing Kabir and Rajveer. Both standing drenched with water, devilish smiles on lips, Kabir has worn his trouser underneath, Rajveer has worn his shorts.

" What?"

She asked and the very next second, she felt splashes of water over herself. They had a mug filled with water..

" What the hell?"

She looks at her body which is drenched with water.

" I had taken a bath already."

She said frustratedly.

" Ek baar aur naha lo na, Raj ki maa..."

( Take a shower one more time, Raj's mother.)

She whined as Kabir came and lifted her in arms. Rajveer ran behind them.

" Ahahh..."

He threw her in the bathtub filled with cold water. Rajveer giggled and clapped.

" Aap dono bahut badmash ho rahe hain."

( You two are getting so naughty.)

She folded her hands around chest and stood up to go but Kabir again pushed her in the water.

What else? She had to accept her defeat and play with them with water.

" Enough, Raj. Now let me clean you."

She said and pulled Rajveer to her. She put soap on her palm and started rubbing it on his body.

" Haaye!"

She passed a look to her husband and widened her eyes when he pointed at her breast with his eyes. Fortunately, Rajveer's eyes were closed as she was cleaning his face.

He chuckled and went to the cubicle to take a shower.

He came out while tying the knot of a towel which is wrapped around his torso. Kajal is making Rajveer wear his clothes.

" In school, a girl named Nisha? I don't like her."

Kajak furrowed her eyebrows. Rajveer scoffed.

" Because she always troubles another girl, uhm Sarah."

Kajal chuckled as she recalled her schooling days. She used to be the bad girl- for bad people. She would beat them if anger exceeded its limit. She could not see anyone troubling innocent people.

" I believe my son has inherited this from you."

Kabir said while buttoning up his shirt.

" Yeah."

Kajal replied and pecked her son's forehead.

" How handsome you look in school uniform."

He is in 1st class though.

" And me?"

Kabir asked. Both looked at him then slapped their forehead.

" Pehle pant to pehn lo, papa.."

( First, wear your pants, papa..)

They laughed at him. Kabir hurriedly wore his pants.

" Now?"

" Handsome." They complimented him.

After having breakfast, they departed together. Kabir dropped Rajveer in his school, then Kajal in her firm.

She pecked his lips and came out of the car. He drove away from there.


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