22~ Kajal's style of revenge

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A woman in her late 30's groaned as she felt her head hurting. She slowly open her eyes and it took her a minute to adjust her vision. 

"  Ah-"

She whimpered in pain and cupped the side of her neck while sitting up. Suddenly, she gasp as she realized she is wearing nothing but undergarments. A blanket is covering her, she pulled it up till her chest and look around the unfamiliar place. It is a room, a very old and dirty room.

Fear rush down to her spine when she recalled what happened to her. She is a teacher and coming back from school when 2 men kidnapped her. They blindfold her eyes, covered her mouth and tied her hands. She wasn't able to save herself. They were powerful.

Then she remember, she was taken to a warehouse. Those two men pushed her in this room, open the blindfold. Then her worst nightmare started. They forced themselves on her one by one. The last thing she remember is that they were taking off her shirt. Another man injected her something and she fainted.

" Hey there!"

She gasp loudly hearing a girly voice. She turn her gaze to the source of sound and found a young girl sitting near door, on chair. Her one leg is resting over other and very effortlessly, she is tracing the sharp edge of dagger. 

" Wh..who are you?"

The woman stuttered.

Kajal smiled in mysterious way. She bite her tongue when she cut her finger a little, accidently. She put the dagger on her lap and sucked the blood from her finger. She took out her finger from mouth then tuck the strand of her hair behind the ear.

" Bad people call me their nightmare."

She replied boringly then tilted her head to a side.

" But I am hell to them."

The women thinned her eyebrows, not understanding her a bit. Kajal took a deep breath as if she is feeling so tired and annoyed.

" I feel sorry to you. I know what those 2 men did to you."

Kajal showed fake sympathy. The woman felt angry now when a thought crossed her mind.

" Were.. were you included with them? Did you plan all this against me?"

Kajal raised her eyebrows amusingly.

" You are intelligent."

The woman clenched her jaw, her eyes filled up and she screamed at Kajal who hurriedly covered her ears.

"  I will complain to police."

Kajal heard her last sentence and tears stream down from her eyes. She uncovered her ears.

" Deva! Bohot teekhi awaaz hai tumhari."

( God! Your voice is really high-pitched.)

She uttered dramatically then stood up and took out an envelope from her pocket. She walked to that woman and handed it to her.

" Don't you tear it. Its important for you."

Kajal warned her when she was about to tear the envelop. The woman thought to look what is inside it. She found a letter and started reading it.

Just when her eyes widen, Kajal's smirk grew wider.

" Termination letter?"

The woman muttered. Her job is snatched from her. The school principle wrote this letter for her. Not wanting to believe Kajal, she looked for her phone.

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