Chapter 8

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Hazel was being torture by Rose as she had a katana in his chest slowly causing pain and blood loss and making him cried in agony screaming. Her skin was burnt from the flames she shot out of her hands while she was laughing sadistically at her pain

"Tell me Hazel why betray my mother she gave you life and freedom. Why." Rose demanded as Hazel spat blood at her anger at her and Salem

"You will not break me." Hazel yelled out in defiance refusing to reveal anything making Rose frowned at this. "Guess I will have to continue this." Rose said stabbing him again making Hazel yell in agony again.

"You are a real piece of work." Rose muttered angrily, "Why don't you just give up already? Tell me what you told Ozpin about Pandora and Ariel and I'll let you live." She offered as she pulled the katana out of his chest and placed it in her shadow portal.

"Fuck you." Hazel spat hatefully refusing to talk "Never, Your the reason my sister is dead so I will never talk." Hazel said defiantly.

Rose sighed heavily in annoyance, "Fine." she snapped before grabbing the katana back out of her shadow and plunged it into his chest, "I tried to be nice, but it looks like I have no choice but to torture you." she remarked coldly.

Hazel screamed loudly in pain and agony from the wounds inflicted on his body.

Rose smirked sadistically at his cries of suffering and torture, "Tell me Hazel, does it hurt?" she taunted him mockingly as she slowly twisted the blade causing him to yell in agony making Rose grinned insanely at her actions, "You better talk Hazel." Rose demanded "or else I will keep going until you do."

"NEVER!!!!" Hazel yelled defiantly refusing to tell her anything making Rose smirk evilly at him as she pushed the katana deeper into his chest, "Last chance Hazel tell me what you told Ozpin or you'll die." Rose threatened him seriously, "We can't have you telling Ozpin anything about our plans now can we?" she asked rhetorically making him glared hatefully at her.

"Then kill me witch." Hazel spat angrily refusing to talk

Rose glared murderously at him and withdrew the katana out of his body leaving an open wound in his chest as his aura tried to heal it. She grabbed his sword out of her shadow and swung it hard into his gut repeatedly making him scream loudly in pain.

Rose was tired of this as she stabbed Hazel in the throat making him fell limp as he died a painful death making Rose coldly giggled sadistically at this "Good riddance" Rose said carelessly getting rid of the body tossing it into a shadow portal with a flick of her wrist as the portal close


Juniper was meeting with one of the arc clan allies

Juniper was meeting with one of the arc clan allies

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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