Chapter 5

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Somewhere else

Peter port was being tortured in Arc clan dungeon as he screamed in pain as Jaune twin sister Alex and older sister Jean were torturing Peter

"Tell us ever last secret you are hiding Peter Port." Alex demanded slapping him across the face breaking his nose as his screams were muffled by the cloth covering his mouth.

Jean pulled his hair as Peter screamed in pain as she used her knife stabbing his eye making him scream in pain

"Well Peter aren't you going to tell us anything." Jean demanded

Port eyes were bleeding as he couldn't see anything only pain as he groaned in pain.

"Fuck you Arc dogs. You will pay for this." Peter yelled angry and scared.

Alex used her knife and stabbed him in the shoulder making him scream in pain

"No it's you who will pay for what you did to my brother." Alex growled before kicking him in the groin

Peter screamed in pain as Jean poured hot water on his face and ears making him scream in pain

"Now are you going to answer our questions." Alex asked removing the cloth from his mouth as Peter answered.

"N-No." Peter said as Jean dunked his head in boiling hot water making Peter scream in pain.

Alex watched him struggle to get away only to be held down by Jean and their guards.

Alex had a cold look on her face

"Stubborn are we? Tell us who was your contact inside Beacon?" Alex demanded pulling his hair up making him scream in pain as he refused to answer

"NO!" Peter yelled as Jean dunked his head back into boiling hot water as Peter was burning alive but still not dead making him scream in pain.

Alex waited until Jean finished and pulled him out. Peter was burnt but still breathing as he gasped for air as Alex ordered his legs being broken by their guards as Peter screamed in pain as his bones broke into pieces.

"Now are you going to talk?" Alex demanded slapping him across the face leaving a red mark on his cheek

Port spit at her only to have his face dunked again in boiling hot water as Jean beat him to unconscious state breaking his limbs and arms and stabbing his knee caps.

Alex had a serious look on her face.

"Tell us what we want to know." Alex demanded but Peter refused as Jean had an idea as she order one of their men to get a scroll as Alex was curious on what Jean was doing

"What are you doing Jean?" Alex asked curious seeing Jean point the scroll camera at Peter Port head as Jean made her sister listen to what she was about to say next.

"Pete perhaps we should get Jaune girlfriend Tiamat here." Jean said smirking as Peter begin to shake in fear at the mention of Tiamat name as Jean heard Peter Port talking in fear as his muffled screaming could be heard.

"No! Anything but that monster." Peter said in fear at the mention of Tiamat name.

Alex looked at him "Tell us why did you expose my little brother secret and who ordered you to attack Vale and kill those people?" Alex demanded slapping him across the face punching him in the guts and kicking him in the groin

"Okay! Okay! I will tell you." Peter begged as he spilled the beans on everything he knows on Salem and that she had 4 daughters...though all he knew is that she never gave her name but she lives in Vale, and the other 3 are in other kingdoms.

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