Chapter 1

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Team CFVY was surrounded by Grimm as Coco looked at her teammate Velvet through a cracked pair of sunglasses. She gave her a nod before aiming her Gatling gun at the Beowulf in front of her and mowing it down with bullets.

Fox cut down the Beowulf next to him with his blades. Yatsuhashi was bashing a Ursa over the head with his massive sword, and Velvet was firing a rocket launcher at a King Taijitu's head. They were outnumbered, but not for long.

"Anyone got any idea on how we can get outta this?" Coco asked firing her minigun at an Alpha Beowulf.

"I'm running out of missiles, so the rocket launchers are out," Velvet yelled, aiming a missile launcher and taking off a King Taijitu's head.

"Same with my blades. I'm not sure if Fox can cut that many Grimm down and not lose his aura," Yatsuhashi said bashing an Ursa into the ground.

"Fox are you okay?" Coco asked.

Fox jumped away from the Ursa he was fighting and looked at his leader.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm not sure how much more aura I have left."

"Okay then. Let regroup....Velvet watch out!" Coco yelled, seeing a Beowulf sneak up on her rabbit eared teammate.

Velvet turned around and aimed her rocket launcher, but the Grimm slashed her weapon from her hands. The bunny faunus looked scared

"Hey ugly take this." A male voice said as he said "Dragon Shot" and a green blast took off the Grimm's head.

"Velvet are you okay?" Fox asked as he cut down the Beowulf he was fighting.

"Yeah I'm fine." Velvet said picking up her rocket launcher and looking at who saved her

He had brown hair, brown eyes and wore a red shirt, black pants and combat boots. He had a green sword on his back and was looking at team CVFY.

"You guys need some help?" The teen asked.

"Yes but who are you?" Coco asked reloading her minigun.

"The name's Issei Hyoudou. I am guessing these are Grimm." Issei said looking at the monsters.

"Yeah these are Grimm. Fox, Vel take him."

"Right." Velvet said.

"Gotcha." Fox said, charging at the Grimm with his blades drawn.

Issei activated Boosted Gear and charged at the Grimm alongside Fox. He cut down an Ursa next to him, while Fox cut down a Beowulf in front of him.

Velvet was reloading her rocket launcher as Yatsuhashi cut down a Boarbatusk.

Issei sheathed his blade and put his gauntlet fist punching a Beowulf sending it flying.

Fox and Issei cut down the remaining Grimm, and the Grimm laid dead.

"Nice moves kid." Coco said impressed

"Oh shit is that a Wvvern!?" Issei said pointing behind Fox and Velvet.

"What!?" Both yelled turning around to see the Grimm thought to be extinct.

The Grimm opened it's mouth and shot a fireball at the two.

"Velvet Fox move!!" Issei yelled grabbing them and pulling them out of the way.

The fireball hit the ground creating a crater.

Coco fired her minigun at the Dragon Grimm, but it dodged.

Just then a huge flames of black were sent towards as the flames hit the Grimm Dragon killing it.

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