Chapter 7

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A/N:1 I have plans on maybe 1 of the 4 daughter to be morally redeem. If you want another daughter like Rose or Lilith to be redeem give me a good reason and how their story redemption going to be. Ariel and Salem are going to be the antagonist of the story. Please comment Here to let me here or down below

2 weeks has passed since the event of chapter 6 and the fail grimm attack in Vale. Pyrrha lead her team to help Ren kill nuckelavee but were ambushed by two of Salem daughter who were in the area hunting down huntsman and huntress that betrayed their mother since Lilith was captured they decided to step in and help their mother. They came across Pyrrha as Ariel saw this as an opportunity to kill one of the local mistral celebrities of Mistral.

In the ruin town of Kuroyuri

Ariel and Pandora were fighting Pyrrha who tried her best with Alister as Ren and Nora were dealing with  nuckelavee through Ren anger was making him unfocused as Nora was trying her best to fight with her hammer

Ariel was smirking as Pandora was unleashing her magic on Alister as he screamed in pain from the magic hitting him hard as Pyrrha was attacking with her weapon  along with clashing with Ariel sword but being overwhelmed by the two daughter of Salem

"Give it up Alister. Your semblance is nothing compared to mine," Pandora mocked as she fired lightning magic at Alister causing him to scream in pain.

"NO! I WILL NEVER LOSE TO YOU!" Alister screamed as he tried to use his semblance on Pandora, but it wasn't working on her.

Suddenly Ariel hit Pyrrha sending her into Ren and Nora knocking them down as the trio groaned as Ariel smirked then watch Pandora deal with Alister

"If you give up now we will let you live," Pandora said calmly as Alister looked at Ren and Nora in pain as the nuckelavee was giving those 2 trouble along with Pyrrha struggling

"Never as my job as huntsman in training I will never give up." Alister said as he charged at Pandora as Pandora smirked as she used her semblance firestorm as a fire tornado appeared catching Alister and burning him badly as Pyrrha charged at them ready to help Alister against Pandora

"ALISTER!!!! NO!!" Pyrrha screamed as Ariel slammed Pyrrha own shield on her face knocking her back as Ariel grinned at Pyrrha her red eyes glow angrily at Pyrrha

"So your the one who abandoned my Jaune." Ariel said as she was on top of Pyrrha and summoned her dagger and stabbed Pyrrha in the arm making her scream in pain and Ren saw this in horror

"NO!!! DON'T HURT HER!!!" Ren screamed in fear as the nuckelavee was catching up to him and Nora and Pyrrha was hurting

Alister was on the ground as he coughed up blood as the burns and wounds were healing but he was in great pain but refused to give up. He pushed himself up and glanced over at Pandora, who was smiling  at him.

Ren watched helplessly as the nuckelavee stomped its hoof right next to him, which caused the ground beneath him to crack and splinter. How did it come back so quickly? Wasn't it killed by the maiden? It should be dead! He heard Nora scream as the Grimm wrapped its arm around her and lifted her into the air.

Nora struggled against its grip, but the creature only tightened its grip around her body. It opened its mouth wide, showing its sharp teeth, and prepared to eat Nora whole. Ren quickly activated his semblance and made his aura cover her entire body just before the Grimm could take a bite.

Alister picked up his sword and charged at the grimm with a war cry as he slashed the monster. However, it didn't seem to damage it at all, he only got its attention as it turned towards him instead. Pandora used this opportunity to watch as she was surprised when Alister defeated it using his semblance Explosion and sword by creating a huge explosion destroying it

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