Chapter 3

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Jaune was relaxing alongside his girlfriends. Rias, Elena, Tiamat, Lilly, Ei, Valery, Aria, Lumine, Miko,

Jaune was sitting down on his chair reading a book.

Issei was drinking some water as Ingvild and Akeno were sleeping next to him.

Ingvld was resting her head on his lap sleeping peacefully as Akeno was sleeping on his lap.

Jaune smiled seeing his brother happy and married.

"Jaune." Rias called out.

"Yeah Rias." Jaune responded.

"Are we going to have a baby soon?" Rias asked with a cheeky grin as Jaune coughed almost spitting his water.

Issei was choking on his water hearing Rias's question.

Jaune coughed a few times and looked at Rias.

"Rias babe why the sudden question?" Jaune asked his crimson queen.

Rias smiled

"Jaune Alas been asking for a baby brother or sister and I figured we start trying." Rias said.

Jaune thought about it and sighed

"I really want to Rias but right now..I have feeling remnant true threat has not shown itself. Salem's out there and we don't know much about her. She may be the true threat." Jaune said as Rias and Elena understood.

"Jaune is not saying no. Its just right now is not a good time. Also Alas will get a sibling soon." Valery said hugging Jaune.

Lumine agreed

"Valery is right. Alas will have sibling soon." Tiamat said hugging Jaune.

"He right Salem is out there we got to deal with her first." Ei said agreeing.

"I have a question though." Yae asked.

"What is it Yae." Jaune asked.

"You said the relic of creation is an Altas and relic of destruction in Vacuo correct." Yae asked.

Jaune nodded

"Yeah why Yae." Jaune asked as Yae grinned

"I believe I may have found the Summer and Winter Maiden to unlock them." Yae said.

Jaune and Issei jaw drop.

"Yae are you serious." Issei asked as Yae nodded.

"Summer maiden is in Vacuo and Winter maiden is in Mistral." Yae said.

"How did you find them Yae." Elena asked.

"I got word from the rogue huntsman and huntress. They were found together and I brought them here. Yae said.

Jaune and Issei were impressed.

"Yae well done." Jaune said as he nodded as he saw the mission log coming from his system

Recover the Relic of Creation and Relic of Destruction. Doing so prevent Salem gaining the power of those two relics.

Failure will result in the relic being taken away or worse Salem recovering the relic.

Reward: 5,000 Gold, 10,000 lien, and Exp 5,000

Mission: Easy

Jaune accepted the mission.

"Girls I got a mission. We have recover the relic of creation and destruction." Jaune said.

"Jaune why is Yae grinning?" Rias asked seeing her smiling.

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