Episode 11 - Worry

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The night progressed and the rest of the group still remained in the hall simply enjoying each others company. Chloe strummed her guitar gently, creating a peaceful ambiance in the hall. Colin, Sam, Rubin and Fluff were all engaged in a game of cards. Whilst Dan and Lily sat in silence, lost in Chloe's music. Stinkapoo was also there too but he aswell was lost in the music, keeping to himself as always. As he music filled the hall Lily leaned closer to Dan, "It's nice to have moments like this, isn't it?" She spoke softly. Dan nodded, "Yeah, it's like everything else fades away for a little while" He replied, as the two of them looked at the surroundings, seeing their friends bonding. But then Dan's eyes turned to Stinkapoo, still worried sick about him. Across the room, Fluff grinned triumphantly, as he laid down his winning hand, "Ha! Looks like I win again!" He declared, his eyes sparkled with satisfaction. Sam groaned in mock frustration, shaking his head in defeat. "I'll get you next time, just you wait," he vowed, already shuffling the deck for another round. "He definitely cheated" Mocked Rubin. Colin laughed in agreement. "Well you're all just a bunch of sore losers" Grinned Fluff, "Enough talk, let's play again. I refuse to be beaten." Persisted Sam. Meanwhile Lily was in awe of Chloe's guitar playing. "Wow you're really good at it Chloe, I would never be able to get the hang of it" Smiled Lily. Chloe smiled gratefully at Lily's compliment, her fingers still dancing effortlessly across the strings of her guitar. "Thanks, Lily. It's been a hobby of mine for years," she admitted, her eyes twinkling with passion for her craft. "But I'm sure you could learn if you wanted to! It just takes a bit of practice and patience." Lily chuckled softly and then turned to speak to Dan, "I think its nice that Charlie and Taylor seem to be getting along well." She spoke. Dan nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's good to see them forming a connection amidst all this, theyre good for each other." he replied, his voice tinged with warmth. Lily smiled softly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and understanding. "Definitely. We all could use a little bit of happiness these days," she remarked, her tone thoughtful. "And if they've found it with each other, then that's something to celebrate." Dan nodded in agreement, his expression. Stinkapoo overheard Dan and Lily's conversation and just felt defeated. As their voices reached his ears, Stinkapoo couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness wash over him. The words about Charlie and Taylor struck a chord deep within him, stirring up memories he couldn't forget. Rose. Her name echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the love he lost. His thoughts drifted back to her, to the days when they had shared laughter and dreams, when the world had seemed so full of promise and possibility. Stinkapoo lowered his gaze, unable to bear the weight of his memories any longer. He clenched his fists, his heart heavy with regret and longing. In that moment, surrounded by the laughter and chatter of his friends, he felt more alone than ever...

As the night wore on, the majority of the group were getting tired and began fizzing out of the hall to go to their respective bedrooms. "See you tomorrow guys" Smiled Chloe alongside Sam. "Goodnight!" Returned Lily. Sam and Chloe then exited. Fluff, Colin and Rubin then exited too, "In a bit guys" Grinned Colin. "See ya" Replied Dan. It was just Dan, Lily and Stinkapoo left in the room. "You gonna talk to him...?" Whispered Lily. Dan looked at her and nodded, "Yeah... talk tomorrow, okay? Sleep well" Whispered Dan back. Lily hugged Dan and she left the hall too leaving just Dan and Stinkapoo. Dan cautiously approached him and Stinkapoo stood up and began leaving. "Hey man... come on, talk to me. Everyone is worried sick" Pleaded Dan. Stinkapoo froze and took a deep breath, "Just leave it Dan, I'm telling you. Don't worry about me, I'm.. I'm just a liability now..." Confessed Stinkapoo. Dan's heart sank at Stinkapoo's words, seeing how much his friend has changed. "Please man... I-I can't lose anybody else." Uttered Dan. Stinkapoo hung his head in silence, only Rose on his mind. "I-I'm sorry Dan" Spluttered Stinkapoo. He slowly turned and began to exit the hall, "I'm worried about you man" Implied Dan. Stinkapoo turned round and hung his head in shame, "Yeah, Im worried about me too..." He uttered before exiting and leaving Dan on his own. Tears began falling out of Dan's eyes, no matter what he said he couldn't help Stinkapoo. Defeated, he made his way to his new bedroom to try and get some sleep.

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