Chapter 3

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As if Bonnie needed more to worry about, someone from her old life appeared. She was arriving home with Oryn. They came from that gallery finally. "Bonnie?! Is that you?" Bonnie looked up to see Caroline there. "You look..." Bonnie did look quite different. Tighter clothes. Cuter hair.

"Caroline? You're here?" She tried to keep up with them over text and phone calls at first but over the years it just fell off.

"Who is this?" Caroline asked, looking at Oryn.

"Caroline, this is my boyfriend Oryn. Oryn , this is Caroline. She's from Mystic Falls." Caroline's eyes widened at the comment.

"Oh wow. Childhood friend. It's nice to meet you." They shook hands.

"You too. Bonnie, can I just talk to you for a bit?"

"YEah sure," she looked to Oryn, "Meet you at your place in a couple hours?" He nodded and they kissed. Bonnie let Caroline into the apartment and went to grab a glass of wine.

"She's from Mystic Falls? I used to be your best friend, Bonnie. Right until you disappeared. Why did you leave without saying anything?"

"I had my reasons Caroline. Mystic Falls was getting dangerous for me."

"For you? I'm dead!" She rushed towards Bonnie with a vampire face but she didn't move.

"I know, Grams told me. She did make your daylight ring. I'm sorry but if I had stayed, I'd probably also be dead. And possibly a lot of other people too."

"So you left to get away from the vampires?"

"I have my reasons. That's the only one I can explain."

"Did you miss me?"

"Sometimes. I've been busy."

"I bet. Who was that?"

"Dr. Oryn Thornwood. The love of my life."

"He's a doctor? Yummy. Go Bonnie. He's not too old for you?"

"Didn't you date Damon? Anyway, I knew from the moment I met him that he was mine."

"He smells like Tyler. Hey, is he a werewolf?"

"Is Tyler a werewolf? Wait, nevermind. Why are you here, Caroline?"

"Elena. She's dead."

"I know. Grams told me."

"You didn't come to the memorial."

"I had classes."

"She was your best friend."

"Was. I had a life here."

"And a hot older boyfriend."

"That too but I have family." As it's spoken Amour arrived.

"Bons, Oryn, you better be clothed in common areas." She walked in with her hands over her eyes.

"Amour, it's safe. Oryn is at his place." Amour uncovered her eyes and looked at the two at the kitchen island.

"And who is this?"


"Oh, she's mentioned you. And why are you here?"

"Who are you?" Caroline asked.

"She's who I meant by family. Caroline, meet Amour Rohberht, my Aunt."

"That your married name? "

"Oh goddess no. Rudy changed his last name when he moved to the States."


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