Chapter 2

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Three years later...

Bonnie unlocked the door to the apartment without looking at it. She was too involved in the man in front of her. He was tall. So tall. And bearded. And all hers. She could hear him growl as she finally got the lock. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. They kept kissing, she fed while grinding her core against him.

"Okay, Aunt here. You are not alone. You do not live alone," Amour said as she came down the stairs. The man chuckled lowly and it made Bonnie's eyes flash in hunger. "Always lovely to see you Oryn."

"You too, Amour. Sorry. Bons said you were out for the night," Bonnie finally got it together and looked to her Aunt. She was in latex pants so most likely headed to a sex club.

"I am. You know the rules. Clean up after yourselves."

"Yeah, sorry." Bonnie said and Amour smiles cheekily.

"All good. See you later."

Once Amour left, they actually sat down on the couch with a glass of wine for her and a bottle of beer for him. She kept it in the fridge just for these occasions. It had been eighteen months since she started dating Oryn Thornwood, a Dark Fae wolf shifter that also happened to have a medical degree and specialized in genetics. He was Amour's friend that could help Bonnie figure out why she was Fae. Oryn was a lot older than her, 1500 years older, but she didn't care. She loved him and Bonnie quickly realized love wasn't easy to come by as a succubus. Amour had lived 221 years and had never been in a relationship. It didn't give her the greatest hope.

"Are we going to be able to go to that opening this weekend?" Oryn asked her. It was the opening of a Fae art Gallery. Dark, of course. She had made her decision after twenty three months of training and she hasn't regretted it yet.

"You know if I can complete these courses this quarter, I'll be one away from graduating."

"You could just say no," he said with a small smile. It was true. He wasn't asking to argue. "Need help with anything?"

"No, you're so helpful already. Just keep me sane."

"That's my job, darlin." Bonnie loved his whole gentleman cowboy thing.

"Wanna head to the Dal?" she asked him.

"I don't know why you like that place so much."

"And I know why you don't." Oryn's brother was Light Fae and the Dal was really the only place they saw each other. Not that they wanted to. The two had a tumultuous relationship that spanned over a thousand years of issues. She couldn't imagine. Bonnie got up and lifted her skirt so she could straddle his legs. "You really don't get why an anthropology student likes studying our world, especially the connections or transactions between the two sides?" She said it, kissing up his neck between the words. He chuckled again and she loved the vibration against her lips.

"You are so nerd hot. Fine, after we finish this in your room," he said. She pulled back and pushed out her bottom lip.

"We won't leave if we go to my room."

"You get that straight from Amour." Bonnie knew it was true. Friends, family, lovers, all have known and most have fallen for Amour's pout. It's the lips in combination with her big eyes. That move was a weapon. "Fine. Let's go to the Dal."

Bonnie was excited when she arrived at the tavern. It was old school and looked like it belonged in Ireland in the 1400s but she loved what went on inside of that place. It was how she met her first Fae feed. A fae who fed on luck. Just sex but it was one of her tastiest. Not like Oryn. Oryn was the yummiest she'd ever had. In sex, in taste, in everything. Oryn tasted like when the barista gets your coffee order just right. He tasted like her favorite wine, her favorite chocolate, and her favorite cake all rolled into one.

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