Chapter 6

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She sat in bed with him the next morning, they only slept a couple hours. She was well energized but he did seem exhausted. "So, how do we do this?" she asked him, leaning on his chest.

"I expect honesty. And I want you to be committed to me."

"What does that mean?" she groaned.

"It means a couple things. Allowing our dates to actually be dates. Feeding on only me when possible and letting me know if you're going to feed on someone else. I don't have to always be there but I would prefer it if you didn't do a lot of repeats. Amour, it also means you have to discern when you need more than me and when you just want more."

"But that's so hard," she whined and pouted. He just laughed at her.

"After 200 years, I'm sure it is. But you have to put the work in."

"And what will you be working on?"

"My insecurities and my jealousy. Obviously after last night we know there is no way I could sustain you alone. But I wish you could. I worry that you'll find a better connection with someone else."

"But I've never felt a connection to anyone else. I mean not that I've tried. But I will do my best. I promise. I want this to work. I do."

Because she was telling the truth, Amour went somewhere she didn't actually want to go. Bo's house. If it could be called that. "I'm ashamed to be here and not just because this place should be condemned," she said to herself as she walked up to the door and knocked. The human answered.

"What do you want?"

"Your ma-I need to talk to Bo." she said, and stopped herself from insulting the pet.

The pet slammed the door and Bo opened it minutes later. "What?"

"Can we talk?" Amour asked her.

"You want to come in?" Bo asked.

"Will I need shots?" she replied and Bo started to close the door, "Wait, fine. Let me into your crack den." Bo went to close it again. "Oh come on, that is the best I can do. I have already shed quite a bit of my pride just showing up here." Bo opened the door and walked inside. Amour followed her. It was actually worse on the inside. And why was there a vending machine?

"So?" Bo asked.

"Does the human need to be here?"

"Is it a case?"

"Oh nothing like that. You know what, this is a mistake," she started to back out.

"Must be pretty important if you're here."

"I'm going to go get pizza," the human said and left the house. Amour waited until she shut the door.

"I don't have all day," Bo said to her.

"Rumor is you're dating the human doctor of the Ash."

"Yeah? So? You have your own doctor. Oryn. Dyson's brother. Your whatever's boyfriend."

"My niece."


"It's not a medical issue. It's just..."

"What is so damn hard to talk about?"

"How do you do it? How do you control yourself enough to be sated and happy and make your partner happy?"


"We're not monogamous or anything. Just committed. I don't know how to do this. I don't even know what it is." Bo's eyes widened in surprise.

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