Chapter 5

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Amour couldn't stop thinking about Luc. And she hated that. She needed to get it out of her system. She needed to get him out of her system. So she headed to the club. But she got there and there he was in the middle of action between some Geminis, a valkyrie, and raiju. She felt a pain in her chest and she hated that. Luc looked up from the raiju and saw her. She backed up and fled out, just needing some air. Some space.

"Amour!" Luc called out from behind her. He was still putting his clothes on. "Please, slow down. Why are you mad?" She turned around and struggled to maintain control.

"I don't know! I'm not mad."

"You're not?"

"No. Just go back in. I'll be there in a minute. I just need air." He raised his brow and looked at her confused. "I am fine. I just didn't expect to see you here. That's all. That Raiju, she was hot."

"Yeah, I guess so." She took a deep breath and walked towards him.

"So, would you like to invite her to my place? We could bring a gemini or two. They're always fun."

"You're inviting me to your place?"

"I mean you and like three to five strangers, but yeah. You've never disappointed, Luc. That doesn't happen often. Plus," she pulled him close and kissed him, taking some of his energy. "You taste like french chocolate."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting." As she said things, she figured out what she was feeling. She could keep having sex with Luc. But that is all she would do. And others would have to be involved. No more running into each other.

This didn't work. Though she was enjoying all the sex they were having. She hoped she would tire of Luc sexually and the rest would come. It didn't. He always just managed to be there. At the movie theater. At dinner. He helped Bonnie get into an internship program to go on an archaeological dig in France. He gave a priceless fae fossil to Oryn, helping him with research he'd been working on for over two hundred years. She hated how well he fit in. And how she never put her foot down and created space. She should have given him space.

One day, she found him in a human club. She was just walking by. There he was with the raiju from a couple weeks ago. Amour didn't even remember her name. "Hey Amour," they both said.

"Hi, I was just walking by. Don't want to interrupt your evening."

"Why don't you join us?" Luc asked and the raiju seemed annoyed.

"Maybe some other time." she put on another forced smile and walked away.

He showed up at her place an hour later. "Hey, what's up?" she asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"We weren't supposed to meet."

"I know I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"We just ran into each other."

"I'm assuming it is a part of your abilities and happens when you are thinking of someone. It's fine. She's beautiful and, as I remember, a lot of fun. Those pulses."

"Why do you do this?" He asked and slightly pushed past her. Amour was glad the apartment was empty.

"Do what?"

"Not be honest with me. Not say what you actually want to say."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just ask me what you want to ask me."

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