Chapter 7

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For the next couple of months life was smooth sailing for the Dark. Not so much for the light. And the precipice of this was Hale being named acting Ash. He was at the Dal constantly. One day Amour decided to confront him. "Is everyone qualified for the position dead?" she asked.

"Harsh. Even you can admit I have the least amount of personal agendas."

"You're not wrong. But why should Light Fae business take place in the Dal?"

"Accessibility. I'm trying something new."

"Good luck with that." she turned to leave when she saw Dyson with a new partner. She was definitely Dark Fae. Amour smirked and walked over to her.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Amour." The beautiful blonde rolled her eyes.

"I'm uninterested." Dyson laughed openly.

"Ouch, does that happen often? Losing your touch?"

"You know the answer to both of those questions, Dyson. No matter, I love a challenge," she winked at the woman and made sure to check her out one more time before leaving.

Amour went back home to see Luc cooking in the kitchen. "That is the hottest thing I've ever seen. Dam if you could just feed off being horny," She said as she came in. Luc turned around and smirked at her.

"Hey, babe," he said and turned back to the food She took off her jacket. Then she walked up behind him and kissed his spine.

"Is there anyone here?" she asked him.

"Caroline is on a date and Bonnie and Oryn are staying at his place." She reached around him and touched him. She unbuttoned his pants.

"I do not want to burn this food, amour. Let me get it into the oven then I will fuck you on this counter until the food is done."

"Fine. I'll go get ready."

"Nope. Sit down and have a glass of wine. Last thing I need is you putting on anything leather. We'll never get to eat."

"Well when you're right, you're right." She smirked and went to pour herself a glass of wine.

Amour started to run into the blonde more and wondered if abilities could be transmitted sexually. She asked around about her and apparently she was a Valkyrie. Which Amour found insanely attractive. She was also Dyson's new partner at the station. "We just keep running into each other. Like Fate," she told Tamsin, who rolled her eyes, "What? What is it? I can feel you're attracted to me."

"You're attractive. But you know it. And you act on it. Your appetite, Amour Rohbert, is legendary," she said in a way that told Amour she shouldn't be proud of it. Amour couldn't find it in herself to be ashamed of her past and her feeds.

"I am. But I'm trying to be kind of different now. I don't want to taste Valkyrie. I mean I do but it's about more than that. I want to get to know you."
"Why? Why me?" Tamsin asked.

"From the moment I saw you, I wanted you for more than food. And that's only happened to me once but I have to try and go for it. I'm not asking for a lay. I'm asking for a date."


"How about this really amazing restaurant I know? It's Dark Fae run." Tamsin rolled her eyes again but Amour smirked because it immediately felt different.

"Fine. But no touching. I know that's still a possible way to use your seduction skills."

"I have no need to touch in order to seduce. But I am okay with that. Friday night?" Amour asked and Tamsin reluctantly nodded as they swapped numbers.

Amour talked to Luc about it later that night over dinner. "I just don't understand why you want to date her," he said to Amour.

"I am a succubus. We already have an open relationship in the way that I have to have sex with other people to keep strong and fed."

"But this isn't about feeding."

"I like her. I felt something when I saw her. She's protective and smart and enjoys being a Dark Fae."

"There's a lot of positives, I understand.. I guess i'm a little jealous."

"I understand that feeling. I'm sorry. If it gets too much, I'll stop dating her. But, I just having a feeling like she's our person."


"Yes, ours. I plan on being mated to you for a very long time." They kissed slowly before drinking the last of their wine.

Bonnie was over at Oryn's for a rare moment. He had a lab in the back of his house. He was currently studying her mitochondrial DNA and trying to see the similarities between hers and Amour's. "So have you found anything?" Bonnie asked as she wandered in barefoot in Oryn's shirt and a pair of jean shorts. He looked up from the computer at her.

"Not yet. Still collecting data. You know this place is supposed to be sterile."

"And you were supposed to come inside two hours ago," she said as he twisted around his chair and she walked into the middle of his legs.

"I got a little distracted."

"That's usually my job."

"And you do it so well," he said in his rumbly voice that caused Bonnie's every muscle to clench.

"Is everything okay between us?"

"What? Darlin, why would you think anything different?"

"Just feels different around you lately."

"There is good reason for that but I swear I will explain. I just-" he cupped her face with both of his hands, "I- would you ever want to get married? Like your grandparents are?"

"I mean, I've thought about it, I'm not gonna lie. For humans, we've been dating a long time. For Fae, I don't know. You would know more about that than me. I don't know why I've never asked that. Have you been married before?"

"Wolves only mate once, darling. One person. We get one person."

"Wait," she said and her heart felt feather light, "You mean me? I'm your one? You've waited this long?"

"Yeah. But I trusted in the gods. I always have. And they gave me you."

"But-" she started tearing up and he wiped them from her eyes quickly.

"What's wrong, darlin?"

"You know no one has ever loved me like you have. Not my mom, not my dad. It just- I don't feel like I'm worth it."

"Are you kidding? You're worth every good thing in this world combined." She kissed him deeply.

"Just know, whenever you're ready, I'm ready. I don't ever want to be with anyone but you," he picked her up and stood as he placed her on his lab table. She pulled away, smirking. "What about a sterile environment?"

"You're right," he said then picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder and made a quick way back to his bedroom. 

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