Chapter 9

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Six months later, Amour, Luc, and Tamsin sat in her apartment for throuple date night. They'd chosen to order from a Brazilian steakhouse, open some bottles of wine, and watch reality shows. "I still don't understand the point of these," Tamsin said as she took another sip of wine.

"You just haven't found your show yet," Amour explained to her.

"How many types of reality shows can there really be?"

"Hundreds," Luc told her as he started rubbing the Valkyrie's feet. Tamsin groaned. Luc was always helpful after a long day.

"Oh! let's try Wildest Police Videos," Amour offered, grabbing the remote.

Tamsin sat up quickly, "That cannot be a thing." Amour winked at her and they turned it on. It took less than five minutes for Tamsin to find her new favorite show, "I see why people like TV now!" Luc and Amour laughed at her.

"I told you. Okay, I am grabbing cookies and cream with oreos for me, frozen custard for the frenchmen and rum raisin with shortbread and rum drizzle for the Valkyrie," Amour said, getting up and walking to the fridge for the personalized desserts. Tamsin sat back and Luc put her feet on his lap.

"So this is why people do the whole relationship thing?" Tamsin asked as Amour handed her the bowl.

"I mean one of many, but yes, a part of it is spending time together, finding out what you like, having someone care about what you like," Amour said, "But I am new to it."

"Hey, I'm not exactly a pro at this," Luc said, "But I think we do alright."

"I would agree," Amour said and kissed him before handing him his dessert.

"So would we all sleep together?" Tamsin asked randomly as they finished up eating. Amour choked on the last of her ice cream.

"Are you talking about actual sleeping or sex?" Luc asked.

"Both," she said, raising her brows in surprise.

"Well the answer to both is whatever you're comfortable with," Luc said, "I'm assuming that you have had sex before."

"Of course."

"With men and women?" Amour asked.


"Ever at the same time?" Amour asked then thought quickly how it sounded, "I'm not pressuring. Just a question."

"Never at the same time. But I'm not saying I wouldn't be interested. But also, I don't know if I would be comfortable with the orgies you've both talked about."

"Being a part of them or having partners that participate in them?" Amour asked nervously.

"Both," Tamsin said bluntly and tried not to sigh, "I know not to be jealous here because it is all three of us. And it's still hard because I joined an established relationship. But I'm working through that. Quite well, I think. I don't want to be your food but I don't want you to find someone else for food because it's sex. Immature I know."

"It's not immature," Amour said and put her hand on Tamsin's knee, "Luc and I have discussed being truly monogamous. But we figured out he couldn't sustain me alone."

"But we could sustain you together,"

"Yes. And I think it wouldn't even really be like food. In a healthy relationship, you have sex. But we all need to be honest with each other. I'm oing to be honest about my needs and I want the same from both of you." Tamsin nodded.

"Then the actual sleeping?"

"My bed is big enough for all of us," Amour said.

"And mine," Luc said with a wiggle of his brows and both his partners rolled their eyes at him playfully.

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