Chapter 4

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Amour walked along the street, looking for a good bar to get a drink, something to eat, then maybe something even more to eat. She didn't feel like going to the sex club or the human club. As she walked she scanned the street and inside one of the bars she saw Luc. He just kept popping up. It was a weird coincidence. Some people would think it was signs but Amour wouldn't let herself believe that. She had already slept with him over a dozen times. Something she hadn't done since Dyson before her dawning but it was always group sex and Amour liked to think that made it more casual. Still, she had weirdly also seen him outside of sex. Not on purpose. There was that one time in the art gallery, a couple more coffee run-ins, and she saw him at headquarters for the Dark where afterwards he took her to dinner. It wasn't a date. He promised it wasn't but she enjoyed herself. Enough that the debate to go in wasn't very long.

"Luc?" she asked when she saw him. He turned and smiled when he recognized her.

"I'd say we have to stop meeting like this but I very much enjoy it."

"So do I. Are you meeting someone?"

"No actually I was going to get some steak frites and a lager to go but if you'd join me, I'd much rather get a table."

"Yes, actually. That sounds lovely. Though I'd imagine steak frites and beer on the couch is quite good too."

"Well I can put in an order for two? More privacy."

"What are your intentions exactly?"

"Hours of conversation, why what were you thinking, madam succubus?"

"The same actually. And I'll take a bottle of cabernet. I'll let you pick then judge you mercilessly if you get it wrong," she said honestly and he laughed.

"Well then I actually have a perfect bottle at home. Let me put the order in." She nodded and checked her phone telling Bonnie she might not be home that night.

His place was within walking distance of the restaurant. It was a renovated warehouse. The bottom level was basically a private art gallery. "What is it exactly that you do?" she asked him as they walked through, her heels clicking and echoing in the empty space.

"A bunch of different things. My family owns a few casinos. I help when I can. But I have lots of interests. Art, history, science, technology. And I explore them all."

"Jack of all trades?":

"Master of many I'd like to think. This food really should be eaten soon. And I have promised you wine." She looked from the art over to him. He looked so sincere and still like he wanted her.

"You have." They walked to the elevator which went all the way to the top floor. It opened up to a brilliant loft. Very open with an excellent view of the city.

"Nice place."

"Thanks, I'm sure yours is better."

"Is that you trying to invite yourself over?" Luc walked to a beautiful black glass dining room table and began to set out the food. He looked over at her.

"No, I'll earn an invitation in time."

"Oh will you now?" she asked and he chuckled as he nodded.

"I'll grab the wine. Make yourself at home."

"I think I will." She took off her jacket and walked to the table. He walked over with the bottle and two glasses. "So what are we drinking this evening?"

"No knowing. Just tasting." he said and put the bottle behind his back after he poured. She grabbed the glass and smelled it before taking a sip. She moaned in delight.

"Oh that's lovely."

"I told you so." he said as he sat down and opened his beer.

"So you know I'm a succubus. What exactly are you? Tell me about yourself. I'm quite interested."

"Oh are you? Well I'm a Reynard."

"Nice. I've only met a couple Reynards before."

"We are a very rare species. Only three in my family in nine hundred years."

"Wow. That is quite rare. So do Reynards feed on humans?"

"Not really a feed. More like a benefit. The more I win, the more powerful I am, and I always tend to win."

"I like that about you actually. So what is it that you do for the Dark?"

"Not much. My family isn't super political. We pay our dues. I guess we offer jobs to other members of the Dark that require it. Like any luck feeders."

"What about family?"

"Six siblings. I'm the golden child, since I'm the only Reynard while they're luck demons and my mother is actually a Goji," Amour's eyes widened.

"You're mother is fucking dragon. That's cool. Is it true they accumulate wealth insanely fast? How long did it take her to make her first million? Does she accumulate based on what's popular like gems or gold?" she started firing questions at him.

"Whoa, one question at a time. Huh, you just like me for my mother." Amour laughed and Luc just stared at her in admiration or amazement.

"Sorry, I just haven't met one before and I just like knowing things. Bit weird for a succubus, I know."

"I love that about you." That word. It was like a cold shower for Amour. She smiled but it came off a little forced.

"It's been a lovely night but I should get going."

"Because I said I love something about you? It doesn't mean I'm in love with you. I like you. Is that such a bad thing?" She stood up quickly.

"I have to go." She grabbed her jacket and left.

When she got home, Bonnie and Caroline were sitting on the couch surrounded by books, paper and wine. "Finals?" Amour asked and she was surprised it came out so shaky.

"Yup. My last two quarters before I get my degree." Bonnie said then looked up at Amour. Her eyes were a little misted. "You okay?" Amour nodded, unsure if she could speak. She just walked up to her room, taking off her clothes and getting into bed. 

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