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A girl running toward a door as she panicked

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A girl running toward a door as she panicked. It's her first time in such a big palace. Her sweats drop to her cheeks, her eyes observe the things around her until her whole body suddenly been lift by a bigger figure. The figure throw her to a soft material, even so, due the harsh throw she ended up bump onto the wall on the side.

" What a mortal like you doing in my palace? " Asked the figure with a deep and groggy voice.

The lady tried to lift herself up as her hand wrapped on her arm, just to hide the wound that now appear. She gave the figure a stare in her silence.

" Such a weak nature. " Said the figure with a dark chuckle as he squats down to lift up the girl chin.

" A freak like you calling someone weak when you've show your rudeness? " asked the girl sarcastically as she lift up her head, looking into the figure eyes.

She slid her hair to the back as she gained herself to walk away from the figure. The figure laugh, pulling her by her arm as he lean in close.

" You dare to mock me? I'm Vernon Chwe, the king of this realm. " his eyes narrowed, could've kill anyone with his glare.

" Am I? I doesn't expect that they'll pick a king that dare to push a girl. " She replied.

The king growled, grabbed her chin by force to make her look at him. Vernon take a deep breath to held in his anger as he grin.

" Oh, you're quite a surprise, mortal. " He exclaimed excitedly.

He could felt his adrenaline rush through his blood, making he felt rather excited to know the girl infront of him. The grabbed of his hand tighten, causing the girl to push his hand away as she glare toward him.

" What kind of king that would push a girl? I would've talk nicely if you did so. " She said, caress her chin.

She could felt the pain sting on her cheeks due the grip from the king. She lift herself up to stand up as she slowly getting away from the bed. Vernon laugh deeply as he step closer to where the girl going. He hold a tight grip on the girl wrist as he lean his body close to her.

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