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A girl was running towards the garden

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A girl was running towards the garden. Her heartbeat could be heard miles away, pounding hard against her chest. the world around her started to feel like it was spinning, making her head dizzy. She turned around with adrenaline coursing through her body. Her hands trembling, holding onto the seven roses in her hand.

Dear moon, please listen to my heart,
It's a little too late but please,
Help me survive,

Tears started to rolling out her eyes, gazing around the garden. some footsteps were heard close by, making she shiver with cold sweat under the dark shadow of the night. She turned, trying to find the source of the sounds.

With the shaking hand, she holding onto a knife, holding it readily just in case of attack. Her eyes wandering around, still searching. In this situation, the only thing she could wish of is someone to he her air.

Roses in my hand I've been holding,
send my love the sin,

" You're wasting your time waiting. He's not going to come here and save you." said a guy, making the lady chuckled.

" Do as you please, I'm not going to let you end my life." she replied, wiping off her blood that coming out her mouth.

Her gaze heavy, looking up toward the guy. Her eyes dull, as if she's done with everything. She lift up her head, looking toward the moon with a small smile.

" And how are you going to do so, 'Princess' Liana? " asked the guy, placing his sword against her neck.

" You know how. " She muttered, pressing the knife deeper into her skin before pull it, causing it to slice under her skin.

I can't stay alive like this,
Let me end this sin peacefully.

With sweat rolling down her chest, Audelia wake up from her dream. Hand on her chest, punching through it with a loud gasp.

Her breath were heavy. Tears started to rolling down her cheeks, unable to hold within her heart. Her lungs pushing out all of her oxygen through her veins, leaving her weak and panting.

 Her lungs pushing out all of her oxygen through her veins, leaving her weak and panting

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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