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Vernon groaned as she spoke and roughly pulled her hand

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Vernon groaned as she spoke and roughly pulled her hand. As he leaned in closer to her, his eyes welled up with wrath.

"Follow me, or I'll kill you here." Audelia gulped back her spit when she was given which choices to make.

She did not want either of these things to happen. Before she could respond, Vernon pulled her body toward his servant.

"Bring her to the palace." The servant bent his head slightly, not daring to approach Audelia or the King.

He took her back through the castle corridors to Vernon's chambers, his pace quickening as he sensed the tension between her and his master, Vernon. Audelia grumbled as she gazed around the palace, finally noticing a familiar room she had previously visited.

"What's that room for?" The servant paused for a time, unsure how to react to her query.

"That is my lord's private chamber," he finally stated, his voice gentle.

"It is not for visitors to enter."

Audelia nods in response and follows the servant until they reach a door. The servant opened the door and stood aside, allowing her into Vernon's quarters. Inside, the room was dark and cold, with only one candle blazing in the center. Vernon stood on his throne, gaze fixed on Audelia as she entered.

Inside, the room was dark and cold, with only one candle blazing in the center. Vernon stood on his throne, gaze fixed on Audelia as she entered. He observed that her eyes did not meet his; instead, she was looking around the room, as if she wanted to get to know the location.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

Vernon's smile widened. He leans forward to stare at Audelia, keeping his attention fixed on her. He could tell how curious the eyes were.

It informs him that the girl in front of him wishes to learn more about the palace and him. Even so, her words wouldn't be enough; what about her body language? It helps her to be read more easily.

"So curious, aren't you?" he asked softly, his voice bouncing off the stone walls.

"I want you to understand that I am in control here." Audelia gazed up at him, her grin turning cynical.

"I do know that, but not in everything." She reacted by taking a step forward and standing in front of him.

Her gaze falls to the candlelight. She considered blowing out the candle to see what happened, but she quickly dismissed the idea as her name was called. She observed Vernon's eyes widen in surprise at her daring challenge. He reclined back in his throne and laughed quietly.

"So you don't believe I can see everything?" he asked mockingly.

" I don't. What is the point of your choosing me?" She questioned directly, crossing her arm to her casket as she looked at him.

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