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"Are you sure you want to leave the palace?" asked the servant as he looked toward Audelia

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"Are you sure you want to leave the palace?" asked the servant as he looked toward Audelia. 
Audelia shifted her eyes to look at the servant. Her eyes were intense with anger that was building up after what happened a moment ago. 
For God sake, what with the question?
"Take me out of here already. I'm sick with the tyrant's stupid ideas." She retorted, ignoring the fact that there's no way she'll get out of the castle without being harmed.
The servant opened his mouth to answer, but his eyes shifted toward the sound of an opened door behind her. His eyes widen, realizing it's the king, and immediately he bows his head down.
"No, she won't leave." Hearing such words, Audelia turned to face the king.
"I will," she argued.
Vernon looked down at her, taking a step forward. His face was now close to her as he leaned down.
"You won't." Audelia was about to open her mouth to bark back.
"One more word, and I'll kill you." Hearing that, Audelia gulped down her saliva.
Her eyes wandered toward Vernon's, finding the lies in it, but all she saw were dark and dull-looking eyes. A pair of eyes told her that he couldn't feel anything but numb. He was neither happy nor sad. No desire or lust. It's numb.
"Fine."  With that, Audelia made her way to the entrance, leaving Vernon standing there for a couple moments before catching up with her.

" You're making it hard. " said Vernon, looking behind the lady as he follow her.

Audelia turned her head, gazing up to his eyes that wandering around the castle. Making what hard? she asked silently with her face before gave him an annoyed face. She continue walking through the castle, ignoring the king intense gaze toward her.

If she's making things hard for the King, there's no way in the world she would stop. Especially when she know well this thing would literally make the King stop going over her.

" I know a spell that could make you stop talking to yourself. " said Vernon, all of the sudden.

" What do you mean? "

" You keep talking in your head, it's noisy. " Vernon replied.

The voice from her head keep bothering him. There's too many questions and too many things that been inside her head. Even if he tried to translate them into a word, it always end up with failure especially there's another voice that fill her head.

" Oh, so voice in my head bothering you now? Good. " Audelia replied with a fake smile before she turned back and continue her walk.

" Mind your words, princess. I didn't want those plump lips of you been hurt. " he said, following her toward a hall in the back of the castle.

" What-? " Audelia's eyes widen as she look toward Vernon.

He smirk, looking down toward her. His hand run through her hair, caressing it softly before he grip her chin up to look into his eyes. Audelia gulped down her saliva as her eyes wandered into Vernon's.

" I said, be more polite or else I'll kiss those lips of yours." he repeat, caressing her chin with his thumb softly.

" Get a grip on yourself. " Audelia said, pushing his hand off her chin as she walked away.

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