Chapter 2

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A couple days after the seance, Bonnie took Elijah to the place her Grams told her about. It was a seemingly abandoned mausoleum. "Miss Bennett I thought you regretted ruining my last suit?" he asked her as they walked through the cemetery.

"The coat rack through your chest did that. I just made it worse. Anyway, I got this location from a spirit. Apparently whatever is inside here belongs to you. But the spirit wouldn't tell me what." she explained.

"Yes, well over the years I've learned that witches old and young, dead or alive, enjoy being cryptic."

"I should try that," she said cheerfully as he opened the heavy door.

"I actually rather enjoy your candor, Miss Bennett." Bonnie walked into the room to see a man desiccated on a marble table.

"Who's the stiff?" she asked. Elijah rushed in and examined the body.

"I cannot believe this. Is he dead?"

"I can still feel that he is crazy old and crazy powerful so no, I don't think so. Do you know him?"

"Yes I do. Miss Bennett I never thought our alliance would be so lucrative. Shame on me for underestimating Bennett witches."

"At least you know." she said with all the sass she could.

"Soon the entire supernatural world will too. I promise you that." Bonnie hoped she was right. Infamy would carry a small protection level of its own.

A week later, Elijah dropped by Gram's house where Bonnie and Amour were currently living. He overheard Amour on her violin as he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. The music stopped. The door opened to a girl slightly taller than her sister, the same skin tone with larger brown eyes and fuller lips. He also noticed she was quite young. He understood why Bonnie wanted protection. "You must be the other Miss Bennett. Was that Tchaikovsky I just heard?" The girl seemed to relax and nod.

"Yes, you're Elijah. Would you like to come in?" she stood to the side and gestured.

"Do you normally invite grown adult men into your home?" he asked as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and walked inside.

"Bonnie said you're going to protect us."
"I will. Will you continue playing? It's been a while since I've heard a youth of your talent. Or any age for that matter." The words seemed to cause Amour to preen. She only really received positive comments from Bonnie and Grams.

"Sure. I need the practice anyway." She walked back over to where her music stood on the stand.

"You should be playing for an orchestra somewhere."

"I got into one in Atlanta. But you have to live there and my dad said we couldn't move. It's fine though. I get to spend more time with Bonnie." She began to play again and he sat down on the couch. Bonnie arrived three pieces later.

"Persephone Amour Bennett, I know I taught you better than to let a stranger, let alone a vampire, into our home." she scolded Amour.

"That is your name?" Elijah asked, not even realizing he hadn't asked before.

"Yes, but I prefer Amour. Bon, I could sense who he was. Don't be mad. Hey, what if I play Vivaldi Spring 2 just for you?" Bonnie chewed her bottom lip.

"Ugh fine, guess it would be nice for me to hear you play it without you being upset with me." She sat down across the room from Elijah and Amour played the piece perfectly. Bonnie cried and they both clapped when she was done.

"You are astonishing," Elijah commented.

"Thank you, Elijah. Maybe you'd like to come to my next concert."

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