Chapter 5

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Bonnie tried to keep them out of it. She protected Amour the best way that she could. And it worked for a while. Until the Mikaelsons realized they were linked. Bonnie did the spell to unlink them but not before the Salvatores were able to kill Finn. The Salvatores were lucky the Mikaelsons wanted their eldest brother dead. Or else there might have been real issues.

Esther killed Alaric and made him into another Original using doppelganger blood and the last white oak stake. Amour constantly worried about Kol. He left town for a while but they kept in touch with daily calls.

Bonnie didn't talk to anyone again until the Salvatores and Caroline showed up at her door. Apparently, Rebekah found out Alaric and Elena's lives were connected and killed her. What she didn't know was that she had vampire blood in her system. They begged Bonnie to help. "Okay. Do you have it?" she asked them.

"Have what?"

"Whatever lapis lazuli she'll be wearing for eternity or until she pisses the wrong person off."

"Daylight jewelry?" Stefan asked her, confused.

"Yes? That is customary for new vampires."

"Bonnie..." It was like she could read their minds. So she started hysterically laughing. All three looked at her like she was crazy.

"I mean this is peak. Like peak," she said when she finally calmed down and wiped the tears from her eyes. "You are both being willfully ignorant. There is no way to undo vampirism. No such thing as time travel. And no, I won't even be attempting to look. If it existed, we'd know."

"Can't you just look into it?"

"Nope, busy. College applications. Bring the jewelry. You're lucky you're getting that. I could let her ass nightwalk or burn." she said before shutting the door in their face.

They, of course, did look into it. Not with Bonnie's help. With the help of a very sketchy professor who claimed to be one of Grams students. Bonnie got a bad feeling around him. Caroline kept trying to reconcile with Bonnie but would then bring up the cure, a theory the professor gave them. It turned Bonnie off that Caroline seemed to choose sides. So Bonnie lost her as a friend too.

Bonnie and Amour were getting ready for graduation when tragedy struck. Bonnie hadn't kept up with anything. She didn't know what they had been up to. Now she had wished she did. Klaus offered to help her explain what happened. They knocked on Amour's bedroom door and asked her to come down stairs. Their faces were solemn. "Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"Amour, you should sit down," Bonnie said. Amour shrugged but did as she was told.

"Okay, Nik, have you heard from Kol? I've called him like a dozen times but no answer." He looked up from his hands and there were tears in his eyes.

"Little witch, my little brother is dead. Killed by the Gilbert hunter with the help of his sister and the Salvatores." Her heart stopped. No. She would feel it. They were soulmates. She would feel it. Right? She knew something was wrong. A feeling deep in her stomach but she'd hoped she was wrong.

"No," she whispered as the tears began to fall.

"You have no idea how sorry..." Bonnie started to say. Amour stood up quickly.

"No," she said again then fell to the side in a faint.

Amour woke up in complete darkness. Her whole body hurt. Especially her chest. Like it had been pulled apart. She got up in determination and took Bonnie's car keys. She drove straight to the Gilberts. Though it was a little hard to figure out. Amour waved her hand and the door flew open. "Hunter!" she screamed out. Elena came down the stairs and immediately she was set on fire. Jeremy came rushing down. "Somnum." She put him to sleep then dragged him to the car.

She snuck to the Mikaelson mansion where she couldn't drag him far. So she pulled out one of their fancy dining room chairs and used their belts to tie him to the chair. She waited until he stirred then began choking him psychically. She saw the panic in his eyes and wondered if Kol panicked before he died. Her soulmate had the benefit of being quite confident so most likely he didn't see it coming. Eventually Niklaus found her, choking the hunter over and over again. "What are you doing little witch?" she looked over at him and Niklaus was still red eyed.

"He killed Kol. Ossox." she said and the bones in his hand shattered. He screamed and she smirked then went back to choking him. Elijah and Rebekah soon came outside too. Everyone was unsure of what to do next. "Gilberts care for no one but themselves. So...." She walked up to him and took off the ring that her ancestor created. She slapped his face a few times to make him as lucid as possible. "Jeremy, do you know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out of your chest?" She lifted her hand and he started groaning then shouting. His chest cavity split open and his heart came right into her hand. "Like that." His head dropped. Amour looked at Klaus and for a second, her eyes were gold.

The three knew they had to do something. There she was, just staring at the heart of the boy she just murdered. Even if she was in the right, and she did believe that she was, it would still affect her. Especially if the eyes were any sign. "Amour..." Niklaus said softly. She looked up at him and her eyes were glassy. Tears poured freely.

"He's not back. He's gone. Nik, he's gone. They took him from me." Niklaus took the heart from her hand and dropped it. Then he cupped her face with his clean hand.

"I know. But you must go home now. Your sister was worried. We will handle this."

"He was mine. He was mine but we didn't have time. We needed too much time." She dropped her head into his chest and Niklaus hesitantly held her.

Elijah and Niklaus took her home. Niklaus carried her up to bed while Elijah went to talk to Bonnie. "Did you know of their relationship?" he asked her.

"I wouldn't call it that. He never touched her. They never even got a chance at a first kiss," she explained, so worried. They still hadn't told her what Amour had done.

"Do you believe they were soulmates?"

"Considering he just died, I am sorry for her loss and your loss but I sincerely hope he wasn't," losing her best chance at love would be too hard for Amour to bear. It might change her for the worse.

"We've got bigger issues," Niklaus said as he came out of her bedroom, "Amour killed the baby hunter and her eyes turned."

"Turned?" Klaus demonstrated and Bonnie gasped. "So she's...Klaus she's so young. What am I gonna do?"

"We will help you Bonnie. You are both family, after all." Elijah said. It was the least they could do and everyone knew it was what Kol would want. 

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