Chapter 6

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It was two weeks until the next full moon and a lot happened in that time. Amour hadn't spoken a word. A fully recovered Elena attacked Amour but she was killed immediately. This caused the Salvatores to attack and they suffered the same fate. "Why are you just letting her do this, Bonnie?" Caroline asked Bonnie. Her and Tyler confronted Bonnie about Amour's actions.

"Let her? They all attacked her."

"Not Jeremy."

"You don't understand. Kol and Amour were really close."

"He was a thousand years old!" Tyler said.

"Not like that. At least not yet. They were just friends. But I know she felt for him. And it broke her when she found out what you all did. Elena and Jeremy and the Salvatores got what was coming to them. Do I wish it wasn't Amour that killed them, of course. Do I understand why she did what she did? Of course. And I have too much to worry about. She hasn't spoken a word. The school is looking at me wondering if something happened at home and I have three days before her first turn." She didn't mean to admit the last thing but it just came out.

"Wait...turn?" Tyler asked.

"Yup. So we all know what that means. Amour clearly isn't my father's child. Which would explain why he is the way that he is with her. Which doesn't even matter anymore because a fourteen year old girl now has to painfully change into a wolf every month."

"Right because being stuck at fourteen as a hybrid is not an option."

"No and she wouldn't have taken it anyway. She still has magic now."

"Maybe I can help?" Tyler offered.

"No, neither of you can. I don't even know why I told you. I have to get home. Try to get Amour to eat something."

Bonnie returned home to a car in the driveway. She walked up the stairs quickly. Inside was her father, and most surprising, Abigail. Bonnie was glad Elijah was the one to pick up Amour today. But she'd be home any minute. "What are you doing here?" she asked angrily of them both.

"Where is Persephone?" Rudy asked.

"At a violin lesson."

"She still plays?" Abby asked.

"She's perfection," Bonnie said to receive a scoff from her father that she returned with a glare.

"Mediocre at best."

"How would you know? When was the last time you went to one of her concerts? Last I checked, the only people sitting next to me were thousand year old vampires!" she shouted at them."

"We know about them. Liz called us," Rudy said, still not confronting the issue.

"How could you let her-" Abby started.

"She's fourteen, Bonnie," her father said, their words blended together and Bonnie was so angry.

"I don't need parenting advice from either of you! I know she's fourteen. I've spent the last seven birthdays with her alone!"

"You haven't spent a birthday with her since she was seven?" Abby asked Rudy.

"Do you really believe you can judge me?" Unfortunately, Amour arrived then. She saw all of them and immediately ran off.

"Great! Thanks!" she said and ran after her.

The night before the full moon Tyler tried to talk to Amour. "Amour, hey," he said, only for her to twist her hand and break his neck immediately. Still she'd not spoken a word. And she definitely didn't want to say the first word to him. She went home and Bonnie was waiting. "Do you know what's going to happen tomorrow?" Bonnie asked her. She nodded. Nik had told her she was a wolf now. So she would turn. She was scared but it didn't matter. It would happen anyway.

The first sound she made since Jeremy's death was a scream. She was in the forest behind the Mikaelson mansion. Niklaus waited in another part. All he could hear were her screams as her bones broke. After about an hour he heard a howl and turned into a wolf. He raced towards her sound and was met with a lithe dark brown wolf with gold eyes. She whimpered when she saw the other wolf. There was no running. Amour laid out and Niklaus came next to her. The next morning he woke to her sobbing in her clothes. He quickly dressed and went to hold her. "I'm not sorry for what I've done," were her first words.

"You don't have to be. I just wish I could have taken those for you. I should've killed them long ago and he'd still be with you."

"It's not your fault, Nik. I know it isn't."

She walked home. It was a couple miles but with the werewolf abilities, it was nothing. She walked up to the porch and Bonnie opened the door. The sisters held each other and she cried again. Too many tears. She didn't know how she had any left. "It's Persephone now," she told Bonnie after she was done crying. Bonnie felt the coldness take over.

Persephone tried to continue as normal but she could barely get by. Graduation came and went. Still she hadn't decided on a school . She didn't want to go to university. How could she just move on like he wasn't ever there? Bonnie couldn't stand for it. "I can't," Persephone explained.


"Persephone," she corrected her shortly.

"Okay. You are too young to let your life end here."

"Nik said I could go with him," It wasn't exactly true but Persephone was sure she could convince him.

"You are fourteen. That wouldn't be appropriate. Okay, how about this, one year at Whitmore? Just try one year. Matt and I are moving there too. His mom sold a bunch of her stuff to afford the first year. We'll be there together." She'd be there as a third wheel.

"I can't."

"Okay, anywhere? Just a college?" It would scare Bonnie for Persephone to be alone somewhere but if that's what it took. She tried to hold it together. But she always seemed to be on the edge of tears these days.

"Whitmore. One year then I do what I want," Bonnie agreed thinking, eventually, she'd be able to move on. 

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