Chapter 20

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Seven Years Later...

Persephone was at work when she got the call. She was assistant curator at a museum near University of Chicago. The commute was over an hour by car or a little under an hour with car and train but Persephone didn't mind. It was her dream job. Plus Kol was close to home since he both taught Middle School Social Science and worked at a shop. "Mumma!" she heard through the phone in a mixed accent. There was more than one voice. Then they just started talking at the same time.

"Erinyes and Melinoe, slow down. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Daddy's gone! He flashed and disappeared during the tea party!" Erin said as the quieter twin just sobbed.

"What do you mean gone?"

"Mumma!" Meli called out.

"I will be there as soon as possible. I need to hang up but Mummy will be right there, my loves." She wrote a note for her boss before going out of the museum's lower level. She began taking off her clothes. Her and Kol had contingencies on contingencies. She could travel the fastest as a wolf so they created a pendant that would make her invisible and she could wear through the change. As the wolf finished its' transformation, it blinked out of existence.

Kol felt the flash of light and panicked. He'd been in the middle of a tea party where his daughters decided his hair wasn't done well enough. He had two pigtails and painted glitter nail polish to be 'formal'. He looked over to see all his siblings. Well, most of them. "What is going on?" he asked them. But Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus chuckled at him.

"What are you wearing, brother?" He forgot about the pigtails and polish until that moment. He likely also had some sparkle shadow or gloss on since the girls loved giving him kisses.

"Where are you?" Klaus asked him. Kol looked down, knowing his siblings would be upset finding this out from him.

"Well, you know we weren't allowed to talk," he said to them as if it was enough of an explanation.

"What exactly does that mean?" Elijah asked.

"Six years ago, Persephone and I got a witch sperm donor. We had twin girls."

"I have more nieces?!" Rebekah said excitedly, "Oh I bet they're so cute. How old are they? What are their names?"

"Erinyes and Melinoe. But they go by Erin and Meli. They're five and little tornadoes," he said with the smirk that usually meant something mischievous was happening but this time it felt different.

"I'm happy for you," Rebekah said.

"But Persephone was in Chicago and I had the girls so can we figure out where we are so I can get back to them?"

Persephone got home in record time and finished changing back. Her daughters ran to her as she was completely nude. She carried both of them back inside. They were little clones of her with curly coiled hair and lovely brown eyes. "Your father is going to be fine. We will figure this out." She said and she began to call everyone. No one answered. Then she got a call from Freya's phone. "Freya, thank the gods, do you know what's happening? Where they are? If I need to do something?"

"Love I'm fine. You need to come to New Orleans. Now." he said and seemed a little somber.

"Okay. Just me...or?"


"We're on our way." She hung up then turned to the girls, "See, Daddy is fine. We're going to go meet him. So you both wait while I get us packed up."

Eight hours later, she was dealing with two sleeping children and trying to carry them both into the taxi. They took a taxi to the Abbatoir where everyone was waiting. Kol walked outside as soon as he heard hte car pull up. He grabbed Meli and thier things while Persephone held Erin. Everyone wanted to meet the twins but they were too tired. "hello everyone," Persephone whispered.

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