Chapter 13

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Persephone shed tears as she made her way into an alley. She took off her clothes as she forced her change upon herself. Every bone break she'd let out a tiny scream but was full of relief to be in her wolf form. She took off towards the bayou.

Persephone slept in the bayou that night. She only woke in the morning when she heard a rustle. She looked up to see a scruffy guy in a flannel shirt. She growled at him, thinking he was a hunter who would run off. "Hey, wait, I'm not gonna harm you," he said to her as he held his hands up, "Smell me." She took a good sniff. He was a werewolf too. "Can you turn back?" She grabbed up her clothes and went behind a bush as she turned back into a human.

The man waited for her and she came out barefoot but in her dress from the previous day. She was a little dirty but she didn't care. "You a hybrid?" he asked her.

"Yes. But not the kind you're thinking of. I'm not dead. I'm a witch."

"But I thought-"

"I know. You're not supposed to be able to be both. My family has always been the exception to the rule. Even more than the Mikaelsons."

"And you can shift whenever you want?" he asked her.

"Well yeah. It's just magic. And witches use magic to enforce their will. So I use mine to force my change. Who are you?"

"I'm Jackson. I'm the Alpha of the pack here. So full moons-"

"I don't have to. But when I'm not in this shitty place I still do it. For tradition I suppose."

"You like turning?" he was surprised. She shrugged. 

"I'm a masochist. I like punishing myself."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Persephone Bennett."

"You ever had a pack?"

"Not really a pack person, Nik's the only other wolf I've ever been around for a long time."


"The Hybrid."

"Klaus?" She nodded. "Well if you wanted you could join my pack."

"But I'd have to bow to you as Alpha. I don't know you. I don't really trust people. But thank you. And thanks for waking me up. Better you than some hunter looking for a pelt," she said then walked off. She could feel him looking after her.

She struggled with what to do. She couldn't go to the abattoir. Rebekah was somewhere hiding with Hope and she didn't even want to think about Kol. She couldn't even call her only friend, Davina. So she called Vincent. He didn't answer. She was walking down bourbon street when she ran into him. "Vincent, I've been calling you," she said as she walked up to him. He didn't recognize her. then he did. She smelled him. He smelled wrong and he felt wrong. She backed up, "You're not Vincent." She turned and muttered to herself, "What the fuck is going on?"

Persephone slept at the airport and changed her flight. She got a few texts from Davina but didn't answer any of them. She called Nik but he didn't answer. She called Rebekah, no answer. Elijah, no answer.

She got to the house Nik gave hr money to rent near Whitmore. Davina had called her fifteen times. Finally she answered. "What?" she said and tried to sound calm.

"Percy, I didn't know. He just told me who he really was. Then I just, I forgot, I didn't connect the two people. But I didn't know. I wouldn't have done that to you."

"I know. I'm really trying not to be mad. I don't want to be mad at you."

"I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that I- that I like him," tears fell down and but she didn't let her voice show anything.

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