Chapter 9

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Persephone nervously headed to the Dauphin Street Music festival. Honestly, jazz wasn't her favorite type of music. It didn't speak to her like classical did. It was too disorderly. She saw the beauty in it sometimes. She was almost there when she heard Marcel's voice with her werewolf hearing. She ducked into an alley and eavesdropped. "I'm bringing this friend to meet you. SHe's your age." he said to someone else.

"Who is she?" Persephone heard a young feminine voice say.

"She's a witch."

"But I haven't seen anything about her."

"She's not a French Quarter witch. She's a young witch from a place called Mystic Falls. And she's really smart. She's on the side of my maker and his family."


"They protect her like I protect you. And that makes her feel indebted to them. But you see she's not like you. You had friends. Andd you used to have your family. She's never had that. So I think you might be good for each other."

"How would she be good for me?"

"Like I said, she's smart. Wouldn't you love someone you could practice magic with it? I've heard she's really good. She knows hundreds maybe even a thousand spells."

"She knows a thousand spells? How?" Persephone smirked at the endorsement.

"She has an eidetic memory. She can remember anything she's ever read or heard."


"So if she comes tonight, will you just try?"

"Yeah, I guess I can do that."

Persephone followed them after a while but she was nervous. Weirdly enough, she thought a friend she could do magic with might be nice. Even if she was on Marcel's side. Plus getting closer to him would help her figure out his game. She arrived to the bar in knee high boots and a short dress with a leather jacket. She wore a lot more black lately. "Marcel?" she approached the vampire. "Persephone. Hello. You look lovely tonight."

"Thank you."

"Come on, meet my friend," he walked her over to a short olive toned girl with green eyes. "Davina Claire, this is Persephone Bennett."

"Wait Bennett, I think I've heard that name."

"We're a pretty old witch family."

"Yeah, no shit. Nice outfit."

"Thanks. You too." Persephone said and meant it.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen. You?"

"Sixteen. You like jazz music?" She shrugged.

"Sometimes my Grams would play her old records. Sometimes I liked it and sometimes I didn't. I prefer classical music. I'm a violinist actually. And a music major."

"Wait you're in college?" Persephone nodded. "My second year." "Cool!" Marcel smiled and floated back to leave them talking. They sat down together.

"Do you like college?"

"It's better than high school. I mean I literally get college credit for playing my violin all day. That's pretty much been my dream since I was seven. What about you?"

"I had to drop out of high school because of-"

"The weird thing where your family and friends tried to sacrifice you? Yeah shitty year," Persephone whispered.

"You have no idea," Davina said but relaxed her shoulders. Theey didn't keep talking since the music began but Persephone noticed her eyeing up one of the performers. Weirdly enough, the violinist. Persephone watched her bat her eyes at him. She hoped she'd never looked at Kol that way. Bit cringey to be honest.

The music began to wind down and Davina finally turned her attention back to Persephone. "So what do you think?" Davina asked towards the end of the performacne.

"I think you like the violinist. Who is he?"

"Someone I knew from school."

"I would say go talk to him but you shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"Because Nik will find out and he'll use him against you."

"Who's Nik?"

"Your friend's maker. Nik is a nice guy under it all. But at least the top three layers are murderous dick and I have accepted that. I also have a layer of murderous bitch. It's inbetween my first and second layer of skin." she said with a nonchalant shrug. "I'm sorry this is all happening to you. I haven't even told him what I know about you. But I asked him to leave you out of it. He doesn't need any secret weapon. He has me." She got up and walked out of the back of the bar.

That night she didn't have dreams of Kol. Nor did she sleep. The night was filled with blood. Then it ended with her first transformation. The pain hadn't gotten any easier. But it had never been a surprise like it was that night.

She woke up antsy the next morning. Going downstairs she saw Sophie Devereaux and Haley. "What's going on?" she asked but neither of them seemed to be in a talking mood, "Well then I guess I'll just head to my lesson."

Persephone arrived at Josephine's. She pulled out her sheet music and placed it in front of her before her teacher came down the stairs. "I am glad to see you are on time today."

"I am sorry about that again. I know how unprofessional that is."

"It is. I'm glad you understand. Let's pick up where we left off." Persephone nodded and started to play.

Another night, another memory. It was one of Kol's. Twelfth century france. "I think I made a friend," she said to Kol.

"I'm proud of you," Kol said as they sat down in the courtyard of a French Chateau.

"It was kind of nice. What do you do when you're not here?"

"I am on the Otherside. With all the other ghosts. I talk to them."

"Who do you talk to?"

"No one you know," he said and she felt some type of way about it but just nodded, "So tell me about this friend." She spent the next few hours telling him what she knew about her new friend. She didn't mention her name once. She'd come to regret that later. 

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