Chapter 15

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Shame set in as Persephone realized her state of undress. Kol went to clear up the bodies while she searched for one of her sets of clothes. She'd set up piles in different places and followed the scent to get back to them. Kol caught up with her as she was sliding on some shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt. There wasn't much there but a bra, the denim shorts, shirt and trainers tied together. "So what now?" he asked her. He moved closer to wrap her arms around her but she moved him off.

"You think because you follow me and save my ass that I'm just going to fall into your arms now?" she asked him. He looked at her and seemed slightly confused, "I appreciate what you did. I really do. But, Kol you were basically in a relationship with one of my only friends. And you came back alive and didn't tell me." He started to open his mouth but she wasn't done. "And you participated in a plot to hurt your niece. And you didn't listen to me in the first place which caused your first death to happen. First. Of like many."

"I get it. I am not perfect," he said and she scoffed.

"Do not get me wrong, I realize I should stop letting your actions or lack thereof influence my own behaviors. It's not just you. I'm mad at everyone. I'm mad at myself. I'm either talked down to like a child or treated like a kid in the middle of a tantrum."

"Might help if you stopped acting like a kid in the middle of a tantrum." She stopped walking to glare at him.

"You can say that to me?" she asked and he shook his head.

"Love, you know I'll never judge you but what I'm not going to do is pretend that everything you did was okay. Or even the fault of others. I can see some. Like with the doppelganger. But you have to admit the carnage of the past seven months..."

"It's been that long? What month is it?"

"January." She was shocked. She knew time had passed. But it had felt like both more time had passed, possibly years, but also that it had only been a few weeks. She didn't keep track of the time or the bodies.

The couple walking in silence for a while. "I'm sorry I didn't resurrect you," she told him.

"It's okay. I don't think I deserved it. Davina shouldn't have either. I feel guilty for the situation with her. I promise you I did not lead her on. After you left I came clean and we were close but it- it didn't go further." She looked in his eyes for the truth.

"She resurrected a guy she kissed one time?"

"I didn't say that." She felt her heart drop again.

"No. You didn't. Kol, why are you here? Is it the soulmate thing? Because honestly I'm kind of over that. I don't want the deep dark love anymore. I just want to be happy. I want to feel light again," she told him honestly.

"I'm here to fight for us. But I know it won't be easy. Too much has been done. Almost three years have passed with just dreams. But-" she stopped him before he could go further.

"Let's just put aside the whole sharing dreams soulmate thing. Well I guess we need to work on forgiveness first then work our way through the dating thing. We don't have to be together."

"But I want to be with you. It was always part of the plan to come find you. I just feel like I let myself get distracted. But I think that is a lovely idea. So where to?"

"Suppose that I can sign up for another semester at school. You fancy going to American university?"

"You realize I am American, right?" he said as they continued on their slow hike.

Kol took her home and got a car for them. They made their way to her home near Whitmore. They went inside the slightly abandoned home. She'd left no perishables so although it smelled stale, it wasn't bad. "Nice place," Kol said to her.

"Thanks. You can have Rebekah's old room if you want to stay. There's a good amount of baby things in there." Kol didn't reply. Just nodded. They both seemed to not know where to go from there. 

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