1 | joke shops and fist fights

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as the night turns to day, in heavenly playgrounds, she plays away...

as the night turns to day, in heavenly playgrounds, she plays away

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H A R R Y  P O T T E R

"Ma!" Harry called out, his hands thrown to his side. They had been planning to go to Diagon Alley today, to get new supplies as well as check out Fred and George's new store. The Potter's sponsored the twins and their endeavor to open Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. James was happy to do anything to encourage mischief at all times and Ophelia conceded, happy to see the pair happy and to see the look of pure joy on her husband's face. "We're gonna be late! Hurry up!"

"Harry, give your mother a moment, would you?" James requested, placing a hand on his back. They were supposed to meet up with the Weasley's a bit ago and they were running behind. "We sent word to Molly that we would be a tad off schedule, they'll wait for us, don't worry."

"I'm here!" Ophelia exclaimed, rounding the corner quickly, Luna in tow. James raised an amused eyebrow as Harry stared at his mother in disbelief as they took in the attire of the two girls. They wore matching overall, flowers stitched to the front with patch work design. The colors matched their long sleeve undershirt and Luna had the biggest grin on her face. Ophelia rested her hands on her hips, "What do you think?"

"Merlin, you're both so embarrassing," Harry huffed in annoyance, and James raised his hand, and whacked him on the back of his head. It was a gentle thwap, not meant to hurt. "Hey!" the boy exclaimed, eyes narrowed on his father. "What was that for?"

"Apologize," James said, his arms crossed over his chest. Harry opened his mouth to argue and he shook his head, "Don't think I won't send for Molly and let her know we had to cancel because you were being mean."

"All of you are set on embarrassing me," he muttered, turning to face the girls across from him. He seemed reluctant but did as he was asked, "Sorry mom." James nudged him, pushing him forward gently, "Sorry, Luna."

"It's okay, Harry," Luna smiled in return. "I can make you one, if you'd like."

Harry looked repulsed by the idea but Ophelia was quick to swoop in, "That's very kind of you, Luna." She placed her hand on the girl's back, guiding her towards the door, "Let's hurry, we've kept the Weasley's waiting long enough already."

James and Harry chorused in agreement, heading towards the door. James fell back, walking in pace with his wife. He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her temple and she looked up at him in pleasant surprise, she smiled, "What was that for?"

"Just because I can," he shrugged, slinging his arm over her shoulder and she leaned into him. "For the record, I think the overalls are adorable."

"You two are disgusting," Harry told them, shaking his head at his parents but a smile was fighting its way onto his face. If there was anything about his parents that would be true for eternity, it was that they'd forever be in love. It was palpable. The care and loving nature they had for the other. Harry could only hope to have that himself some day.

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